
Things I've been into lately・最近のハマったこと


Writing this down as I just got out of the shower. Lately I have been trying to learn a lot of things thinking it will do me good but, shouldn't I be planning my life so I can see a clear future?


Getting a little off track there but, I often watch youtube, usually watching the English side of it but, a friend recommended me a Japanese tv show that I had to take a peak at, it was pretty old so, I laughed a bit. I used to enjoy these kinds of shows a lot in the past.


Lately, I have been getting into watching the videos of hoof shaving videos that been popping up on my feed.  I feel bad for the cows. Since they pour sand in the stalls apparently, the hooves get damaged by little rocks and stuff. Why don't they just raise them on grass? To tell you the truth, I don't really know the reason... but. If I wasn't limited by my Japanese I'd have a few words to say! Hmph.


That's all I have to say for today.
