
Legend of Yuka-Chan #5.5


Legend of Yuka-Chan #5 .5
 Sorry. I forgot to write something and you cannot understand “Yuka-Chan#5”.
Since I found Yuka-Chan can communicate with others through letters, her mother told school teachers about the phenomenon. The teacher told her mother that Yuka-Chan cannot do such great thing and have to understand that Yuka-Chan is the girl with intellectual disability without giving the chance to explain by her mother. I recently know that story. Her mother first saw Yuka-Chan’s hands were trembling with anger. 
The person can able to hold her hand was only her mother and me. Her father and other staff hold her hand, but she cannot write the letter at all at that time. 
 I could not understand the meaning of that phenomenon, so I asked her, “Why your father cannot let you write?”
Then she answered, “My father is my father. I wish my father is staying my father.” 
 She said her father is “easygoing father”. For her, her father is the person that let her pay attention freely and easily and coddle, not having conversation with her.
Actually, I tried same thing to other children. Some children were able to write letters. Then, I asked his/her mother holding children’s’ hand but he/she cannot do. “Do you feel or moving something?” However, they said “I can’t understand.”. They can write letters just only one time though I don’t know the reason why they could do with me and gradually were vanishing that phenomenon. It was sad memory.
Since about 20 years had passed, I met parents and children.
There are many same cases. For example, Naoki Higashida, the writer of “   “ is the similar case.
Oh, I should write one more thing.
It was 30 years before Yuka-Chan can write the letters. Now she is 40 years old. I rarely met her as of the spread of Coronavirus, she has come to me. Her staffs are able to talk with her.
I searched #NaokiHigashida on Note, I found Naoki Higashida on Note. I was glad to having kept love Yuka-Chan.     英訳KANA

伝説のこどもたち ゆかちゃん5.5

しかも、これを書いてないと「ゆかちゃん5 」がわからないかもしれないです。申し訳ありません。
## とうさんはとうさんだからそのままでいい
おとうさんのことを 「のんきなとうさん」と、ゆかちゃんは呼んでいました。ゆかちゃんにとっては、お話しする人ではなく、のんびりと相手してくれて大事にしてくれるのがおとうさんなのでしょう。
ゆかちゃんが、書けるようになったのは、30年も前の話です。 今は40歳、コロナ禍なので今年はあまり会えていませんが、まだ、うちに通っています。そして 生活介護の事業所のスタッフさんは、ゆかちゃんとお話しできるひとです。
