「NHK基礎英語3」一年間チャレンジ73日目 66日目英作文添削結果



"The Crown"

✖Recently, I’ve watched the Netflix TV show “The Crown”.
〇Recently, I’ve been watching the Netflix TV show “The Crown”.

〇This show chronicles the life of Queen Elizabeth II from the 1940s to modern times.

〇The series begins with an inside look at the early reign of the Queen, who ascended the throne at age twenty-five after the death of her father, King George VI.

✖The series have made me look with other eyes to the royal family, especially Queen Elizabeth, to be honest I did not know much about her personal life.
〇This series has me seeing the royal family in a new light, especially Queen Elizabeth, who’s personal life, to be honest, I did not know much about to begin with.

✖The series shows the struggle of the royal family, and make us realize they are all people in the end, with their problems and feelings.
〇The series shows the struggles of the royal family, and makes us realize that, in the end, they are just people. They have problems and feelings just like anyone else.

✖Actress Claire Foy is in the role of Elizabeth who wants to have a normal life and yet is made to feel her duty as Queen should be the highest priority.
〇Actress Claire Foy plays the role of Elizabeth who wants to have a normal life and yet is made to feel her duty as Queen should be the highest priority.

✖It has been suggested the Queen is warm, has a sense of humor, is compassionate.
The story suggests that the Queen is warm, has a sense of humor, and is compassionate.

〇John Lithgow transforms into Winston Churchill and is equally stellar. Their scenes together are superb.

✖If you are a history buff or interested in the Royal Family, don't miss this!
〇If you are a history buff or are interested in the Royal Family, don't miss this!






