
"Sentences that follow the English word order in literal translation" This translation helps me to understand

"読み下し文" これが僕の理解を助けてくれる

英語初級者の僕にとって、自然な日本語訳が英文の理解を難解にすることがよくあります。そこで助けとなるのが読み下し文。英語を英語として理解していくうえで非常に助けになります。さらには直訳気味に、場所にっては自分の理解が追いつくような、そのような言葉に訳してしまうのもありだと。持論爆発してますが許してください。こうすると腑に落ちてくるんです。タイトルに in literal translation なんて付け加える始末です。許してください。本当は、ほぼ直訳とか直訳に近い、あまり意訳しないで、なんて曖昧な言葉を付け加えたかったのですがゴチャゴチャしたのでやめました。

そこで今回大好きな、TED Talks アンジェラ・リー・ダックワースさんの成功のカギはやり抜く力でスクリプト作成し、学習していこうと思います。※このnoteは、本来の投稿の趣旨から外れて、自分の英語学習用記事になりますが、興味もって頂けたら、共感していただけら、幸いです。

Angela Lee Duckworth TED Talks Education Grit: The power of passion and perseverance

When I was 27 years old,/ I left a very demanding job/ in management consulting/ for a job that was even more demanding:/ teaching.// I went to teach/ seventh graders math/ in the New York City public schools.// And like any teacher,/ I made quizzes and tests.// I gave out homework assignments.// When the work came back,/ I calculated grades.//

私が27歳のとき/私は非常に厳しい仕事を辞めた/経営コンサルティングの/さらに厳しい仕事に就いた:/教師に// 私は教えに行った/ 7年生の数学を/ニューヨーク市の公立学校に //そして他の教師と同じように/小テストや試験を作った//宿題の課題を配った//答案が戻ったきたとき/ 成績を計算した//

What struck me was that I.Q./ was not the only difference/ between my best and my worst students.// Some of my strongest performers did not have stratospheric I.Q. scores.// Some of my smartest kids weren't doing so well.// And that got me thinking.// The kinds of things/ you need to learn/ in seventh grade math,/ sure,/ they're hard:/ ratios,/ decimals,/ the area of a parallelogram.// But these concepts are not impossible,/ and I was firmly convinced/ that every one of my students could learn the material/ if they worked hard and long enough.//


After several more years of teaching,/ I came to the conclusion/ that what we need in education/ is a much better understanding of students/ and learning/ from a motivational perspective,/ from a psychological perspective.// In education,/ the one thing we know/ how to measure best/ is I.Q.//,/ but what if doing well/ in school and in life/ depends on much more/ than your ability to learn quickly and easily?//

さらに数年教えた後、/私は結論に達した/私たちが教育に必要なのは/よりよく理解すること学生を/そして学ぶこと/動機付けの観点から/心理的な観点から//教育では/唯一私たちが知っていること/最良の測定方法は/IQ //しかし、どうでしょうか?もしうまくやれることが/学校でそして人生で/はるかに依存するなら/速くて簡単に学ぶ能力よりも//

So I left the classroom,/ and I went to graduate school/ to become a psychologist.// I started studying/ kids and adults/ in all kinds of super challenging settings,/ and in every study my question was,/ who is successful here and why?// My research team and I went to West Point Military Academy.// We tried to predict/ which cadets would stay in military training/ and which would drop out.// 


We went to the National Spelling Bee and tried to predict/ which children would advance farthest/ in competition.// We studied rookie teachers/ working in really tough neighborhoods,/ asking/ which teachers are still going to be here in teaching/ by the end of the school year,/ and of those,/ who will be the most effective/ at improving learning outcomes/ for their students?// We partnered with private companies,/ asking,/ which of these salespeople/ is going to keep their jobs?// And who's going to earn/ the most money?//


In all those very different contexts,/one characteristic emerged/ as a significant predictor of success.// And it wasn't social intelligence.// It wasn't good looks,/ physical health,/ and it wasn't I.Q.// It was grit.//

こうした様々な状況において/ ある一つの特徴が現れた/成功の重要な予測因子として//そしてそれは社会的知性ではない//見た目の良さでもない/体の健康でも/そしてそれはI.Qでもない//それはやり抜く力//

Grit is passion and perseverance/ for very long-term goals.// Grit is having stamina.// Grit is sticking with your future,/ day in, day out,/ not just for the week,/ not just for the month,/ but for years,/ and working really hard/ to make that future a reality.// Grit is living life/ like it's a marathon, not a sprint.//


A few years ago,/ I started studying grit/ in the Chicago public schools.// I asked thousands of high school juniors/ to take grit questionnaires,/ and then waited around more than a year/ to see/ who would graduate.// Turns out/ that grittier kids/ were significantly more likely/ to graduate,/ even when I matched them/ on every characteristic/ I could measure,/ things like family income,/ standardized achievement test scores,/ even how safe kids felt/ when they were at school.// So it's not just at West Point or the National Spelling Bee/ that grit matters.// It's also in school,/ especially for kids/ at risk for dropping out.//

数年前、/やり抜く力の研究を始めた/シカゴの公立学校で//何千人もの高校2年生に尋ねた/やり抜く力のアンケートに答えてもらうため、/それから1年以上待った/確認するため /誰が卒業するかを//結果/やり抜く力が高い子供たちは/可能性が大幅に高かった/卒業するための/それらをあわせたとしても/すべての特性で/測定できた/家族の収入のような/標準学力試験の成績/子供たちがどれだけ安全を感じているかでさえ/学校にいたときに//陸軍士官学校や全国スペリング・コンテストだけではない/やり抜く力が重要だったのは//それは学校でも/特に子供たちにとって/脱落する危険にさらされている.//

To me,/ the most shocking thing about grit/ is how little we know,/ how little science knows,/ about building it.// Every day,/ parents and teachers ask me,/ "How do I build grit in kids?// What do I do to teach kids a solid work ethic?// How do I keep them motivated for the long run?"// The honest answer is,/ I don't know.//

私にとって、/最も衝撃的なことはやり抜く力について/私たちはほとんど知らない/科学がほとんど知らない/それを育てることについて//毎日/両親と教師が私に尋ねる/「やり抜く力をどう育てるか?//学習意欲をどう教えるか?//どうやって長い間やる気を保たせさせるか? "//正直答えは、/わからない//

What I do know/ is that talent doesn't make you gritty.// Our data show very clearly/ that there are many talented individuals/ who simply do not follow through on their commitments.// In fact,/ in our data,/ grit is usually unrelated or even inversely related/ to measures of talent.//


So far,/ the best idea I've heard/ about building grit in kids/ is something called "growth mindset."// This is an idea developed at Stanford University by Carol Dweck,/ and it is the belief/ that the ability to learn is not fixed,/ that it can change with your effort.// Dr. Dweck has shown/ that when kids read and learn about the brain/ and how it changes and grows in response to challenge,/ they're much more likely to persevere/ when they fail,/ because they don't believe/ that failure is a permanent condition.// 


So growth mindset is a great idea/ for building grit.// But we need more.// And that's where I'm going to end my remarks,/ because that's where we are.// That's the work that stands before us.// We need to take our best ideas,/ our strongest intuitions,/ and we need to test them.// We need to measure/ whether we've been successful,/ and we have to be willing/ to fail,/ to be wrong,/ to start over again/ with lessons learned.// 

ですから、成長思考は素晴らしいアイデア/やり抜く力を構築するための//しかし、もっと必要 //そして私が言えるのはそこまで/なぜなら私たちはその段階にいるから//私たちの前に立ちはだかる仕事//私たちはとる必要がある最高のアイデアを/私たちの最も強い直感を//そして私たちはそれらを試す必要がある//私たちは測定する必要がある/私たちが成功したかどうか/そして私たちは進んでしなければならない/失敗し/間違って/最初からやり直す/そこから学んだことで//

In other words,/ we need to be gritty/ about getting our kids grittier.//


Thank you.//




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