
Self Introduction

I'm a Japanese amateur philosopher.

I'm happy you'd examine my discourse.

If you have any questions, please contact me.


If someone wants to publish my essays on this account in any form, I allow the one to do so without contacting me. However, I’d like the one to observe two terms in that case.

1.Please donate the amount of money which the one would pay me for the essays to the following instead of paying me.

>The support group for poors in the country the one belongs to.
>United Nations organizations such as UNHCR and UNICEF or international NGOs such as Medecins Sans Frontiers or WWF.

2.If the one is financially sound, please donate more than 10% of the profits made by publishing the essays to any charity.

As long as it may not lead to misunderstanding about the meaning of the essay, I let the one correct spelling errors, add notes, translation,etc.


