
characters profile

hello. I created the 5 characters and story under the name AMATSU OTOME I have been painting pictures of their subjects for a long time. I do not know how I will be able to present these to the world, but here is a rough sketch of each char

    • AMATSU OTOME story *luna lam*

      Luna was a symbol of peace and an idol loved around the world, leading to the creation of numerous superstitions and fairy tales. In reality, she was a plain slave child, and her nationality and origin were unknown. She was chosen as the go

      • tourbox neo review

        Hello, my name is Kao Sato. I draw illustrations. recently purchased 'tourbox neo' with proceeds from NFT and was asked to do a review, so writing. こんにちは、佐藤花緒と申します。イラストを描いています。 先日NFTからの収益でtourbox neoを購入したところレビューをして欲しいと言われたので書きます。 tourb

      characters profile