
An Impression word I heard from an employee who had taken childcare leave.


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I work as a HR member at a startup company with about 100 employees.
My goal is to assist people who would like to expand their business in society.
For this goal, I'd like to provide useful information in this Note :)

Many companies post a report on childcare leave(育児休業取得状況等報告書) on their websites, which compiles policies for men's childcare leave and reports from employees who actually took the leave.
It helps you understand what childcare leave is for men  because the report includes many reasons and advice for other employees to take childcare leave.

Depending on the local government, the company is required to submit the report when applying for one of subsidies.
Here is an impression word I heard in interviews with an employee who took child leave.

The Memorable word

The memorable quote for me was the answer to the question, ' What advice would you give to someone who is about to take childcare leave ?'

the answer:
'When taking childcare leave, you may first think about work, and you may also worry about work after taking childcare leave.
But, somehow someone will take over.
However,  in your home, no one will take care of it for you, so think your home a priority !'

Of course, it's partially true, because someone has to do it after you leave, and your boss or manager needs to take responsibility for the business continuity.

However, there are many different services now.
In terms of personnel, it is possible to outsource using temporary staff or outsourcing services.

BPO is also on the rise.
BPO(Business process outsourcing) is the outsourcing of some of your company's business process to a third party.
As a result, it's possible to leave work that is done in-house to such services.

By combining these services, I hope to reduce the burden on others  even when someone takes childcare leave.


If you're considering whether to take childcare leave, search Google for 'a report on childcare leave(育児休業取得状況等報告書)'
You can read many impressions from people who have taken childcare leave.

Especially, if you don't have any colleagues who have taken childcare leave, it may be difficult to imagine what it's like during the leave, but you will definitely find some hints if you read the report !
In-house staff may also be worried about how to take over the work left by people taking childcare leave.
The report includes case studies from many companies, so take a look !

Thank you for reading to the end !
Please share your comments :)
