






"There are however many other studies that also question the validity of the MSLT in diagnosing idiopathic hypersomnia and N2.”
Hypersoomnolence Australia, Idiopathic Hypersomnia - A Comprehensive Review
Trotti LM, Staab BA, Rye DB, Test-retest reliability of the multiple sleep latency test in narcolepsy without cataplexy and idiopathic hypersomnia, J Clin Sleep Med 2013;9, pp.789–95
Vernet C, Arnulf I, Idiopathic hypersomnia with and without long sleep time: a controlled series of 75 patients, Sleep 2009 Jun; 32(6): pp.753-9
Anderson KN, Pilsworth S, Sharples LD, Smith IE, Shneerson JM, Idiopathic hypersomnia: a study of 77 cases, Sleep 2007, 30, pp. 1274-1281
Mignot E, Lin L, Finn L, Lopes C, Pluff K, Sundstrom ML, et al. Correlates of sleep-onset
REM periods during the multiple sleep latency test in community adults, Brain 2006,
129, pp. 1609-1623.
Singh M, Drake CL, Roth T, The prevalence of multiple sleep-onset REM periods in a population-based sample Sleep 2006, 29, pp. 890-895
Baumann C, Mignot E, Lammers G, Overeem S, Arnulf I, Rye D, Dauvilliers Y, Honda M, Owens J, Plazzi G, Scammell T, Challenges in Diagnosing Narcolepsy without Cataplexy: A Consensus Statement, Sleep 2014 Jun 1; 37(6): pp.1035–1042
Goldbart A, Peppard P, Finn L, Ruoff C, Barnet J, Young T, Mignot E, Narcolepsy and Predictors of Positive MSLTs in the Wisconsin Sleep Cohort, Sleep 2014 Jun 1; 37(6): pp.1043–1051
Mayer G, Lammers G, The MSLT: More Objections than Benefits as a Diagnostic Gold Standard?, Sleep 2014 Jun 1; 37(6): pp.1027–1028
Chervin RD, Aldrich MS, Sleep onset REM periods during multiple sleep latency tests in patients evaluated for sleep apnea. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2000 Feb; 161(2 Pt 1): pp.426-31
Aldrich MS, Chervin RD, Malow BA, Value of the multiple sleep latency test (MSLT) for the diagnosis of narcolepsy, Sleep 1997 Aug; 20(8): pp.620-9
Aldrich MS, The clinical spectrum of narcolepsy and idiopathic hypersomnia, Neurology 1996, 46, pp.393–401
Rye DB, Bliwise DL, Dihenia B, Gurecki P, FAST TRACK: daytime sleepiness in Parkinson's disease. J Sleep Res. 2000 Mar; 9(1): pp.63-9
Dauvilliers YA, Laberge L. Myotonic dystrophy type 1, daytime sleepiness and REM sleep dysregulation, Sleep Med Rev 2012, vol. 16, pp. 539-45
Andlauer O, Moore H, Jouhier L, Drake C, Peppard PE, Han F, Hong SC, Poli F, Plazzi G, O'Hara R, Haffen E, Roth T, Young T, Mignot E, Nocturnal rapid eye movement sleep latency for identifying patients with narcolepsy/hypocretin deficiency, JAMA Neurol. 2013 Jul; 70(7): pp.891-902
Moscovitch A, Partinen M, Guilleminault C. The positive diagnosis of narcolepsy and narcolepsy’s borderland. Neurology 1993; 43: pp.55-60
Littner MR, Kushida C, Wise M, et al. Practice parameters for clinical use of the multiple sleep latency test and the maintenance of wakefulness test, Sleep 2005, 28: pp.113–121
Johns MW, Sensitivity and specificity of the multiple sleep latency test (MSLT), the maintenance of wakefulness test and the Epworth sleepiness scale: failure of the MSLT as a gold standard, J Sleep Res. 2000 Mar; 9(1): pp.5-11
Sasai-Sakuma T, Inoue Y. Differences in electroencephalographic findings among categories of narcolepsy-spectrum disorders. Sleep Med 2015 doi: 10.1016/j.sleep.2015.01.022
Billiard M, Dauvilliers Y. Idiopathic Hypersomnia, Sleep Medicine Reviews 2001, Vol. 5, No. 5, pp 351–360

“The current classification relies heavily on the MSLT result despite the test having low sensitivity and specificity for diagnostic purposes”
Diagnosis of central disorders of hypersomnolence: A reappraisal by European experts. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.smrv.2020.101306
E. Mignot, L. Lin, L. Finn, C. Lopes, K. Pluff, M.L. Sundstrom, et al.
Correlates of sleep-onset REM periods during the multiple sleep latency test in community adults
Brain, 129 (Pt 6) (2006), pp. 1609-1623
A. Goldbart, P. Peppard, L. Finn, C.M. Ruoff, J. Barnet, T. Young, et al.
Narcolepsy and predictors of positive MSLTs in the Wisconsin sleep cohort
Sleep, 37 (6) (2014), pp. 1043-1051
M. Singh, C.L. Drake, T. Roth
The prevalence of multiple sleep-onset REM periods in a population-based sample
Sleep, 29 (7) (2006), pp. 890-895
“A large number of clinicians and researchers have recently questioned the use of the MSLT as a diagnostic tool. The MSLT may be sensitive to sleep deprivation, sleep-disordered breathing, and circadian sleep disorders.”
A Study of the Diagnostic Utility of HLA Typing, CSF Hypocretin-1 Measurements, and MSLT Testing for the Diagnosis of Narcolepsy in 163 Korean Patients With Unexplained Excessive Daytime Sleepiness
Littner MR, Kushida C, Wise M, et al. Practice parameters for clini- cal use of the Multiple Sleep Latency Test and the Maintenance of Wakefulness Test. Sleep 2005;28:113-21.
Bassetti C, Gugger M, Bischof M, et al. The narcoleptic borderland: a multimodal diagnostic approach including cerebrospinal fluid lev- els of hypocretin-1 (orexin A). Sleep Med 2003;4:7-12.
Aldrich MS, Chervin RD, Malow BA. Value of the multiple sleep latency test (MSLT) for the diagnosis of narcolepsy. Sleep 1997;20:620-9.
Moscovitch A, Partinen M, Guilleminault C. The positive diagnosis of narcolepsy and narcolepsy’s borderland. Neurology 1993;43:55- 60.
Mignot E, Lin L, Finn L, et al. Correlates of Sleep onset REM pe- riods during the Multiple Sleep Latency Test in community adults. Brain 2006:129:1609-23
Geisler P, Tracik F, Tajana AM, et al. The influence of age and sex on sleep latency in the MSLT-30—a normative study. Sleep 2006;29:687-92
Singh M, Drake C, Roth T. The prevalence of multiple sleep-onset REM periods in a population-based sample. Sleep 2006:29:890-5.
Chervin RD, Aldrich MS. Sleep onset REM periods during mul- tiple sleep latency tests in patients evaluated for sleep apnea. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2000;161:426-31.
Punjabi NM, Bandeen-Roche K, Young T. Predictors of objective sleep tendency in the general population. Sleep. 2003;26:678-83.
Punjabi NM, O’Hearn D J, Neubauer DN, et al. Modeling hyper- somnolence in sleep-disordered breathing. A novel approach using survival analysis. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 1999;159:1703-9.

