




Your account, shinpuuu211 has been suspended for violating the Twitter Rules.
Specifically, for: 
Violating our rules against evading suspension.

Note that if you attempt to evade a suspension by creating new accounts, we will suspend your new accounts. If you wish to appeal this suspension, please contact our support team. If you have an active Twitter Blue subscription, it will not be automatically canceled by Twitter. To cancel your Twitter Blue subscription, follow these instructions.

Twitter notify@twitter.com


Circumventing an X enforcement action (such as a permanent suspension) by creating accounts or repurposing existing accounts to replace or mimic a suspended account is a violation of the ban evasion policy; it will result in permanent suspension at first detection.

X's policy on ban evasion | X Help (twitter.com)


…まあこの規約ページはメールに記載のTwitter Rulesのリンクからは辿っていけなかったり、やはりイマイチ運営部分が不穏な感じではある。更に余談だが、メールの通りBlue加入者は永久凍結されても自動で契約解除にもならないようなので、それも酷い話というかやっぱりかなり運営不穏なところがあると思う。



Dear Twitter Support,

I am writing to request a review of the permanent suspension of my Twitter account, executed on 2023/04/10 for violating Twitter’s rules "Violating our rules against evading suspension." My account handle is @shinpuuu211.

I am confident that I can prove that the violation was unintentional or a result of a misunderstanding, since I have been used my Twitter account @shinpuuu211 about 10 years without causing any problems or violations. In addition, that's why this account is essential to me as I use it for both personal and professional reasons for long time. The permanent suspension of my account might gravely affect my relationship both of friends and businesses.

Hereby I would like to offer the reasons that my account should not be permanently suspended:

- While I understand that I have several accounts, my intention has not been evading the suspension. I used these accounts for purely different purposes, such as personal communications with friends, or promoting my activities. To reach the different preferences of followers, it is the reasonable choice to have different accounts for each objectives. I have never used these accounts to harass others, cause trouble or take illegal actions.
- Since I have been less used some of these accounts, I already deactivated these unnecessary account. I hope this action appeal to you about my expression for the unintentionally of the evading the suspension.
- My account is permanently suspended without warning. I don't believe that I have ever been warned about my tweet is against the rules and asked to delete it. I concern that it is unfair to suspend an account permanently without warning, especially for "evading the suspension", although the account has never violated the rules themselves because there are no reason to evade the suspension which is never even suppose to apply. If it had been the case I was warned about any of my violation beforehand, I would be willing to take the actions to resolve the problem including deleting the tweet.

I hope that these additional information and evidence help in your review of the permanent suspension of my Twitter account and its decision-making process. I am willing to comply with any requirements or guidelines that you may have to ensure that my account is reinstated.

I would appreciate it if you could review my case and consider unlocking my account if the situation warrants it. I am willing to provide any necessary information or documentation to support my request for reinstatement.

Best regards






We received your request to have your account reinstated.

Please respond to this email with the reason you believe your account suspension was in error and/or the reason you are requesting an appeal.

Once we receive your response, we will review and provide a follow up response with the outcome of our review. If this request is for an account reinstatement under our new criteria, please allow 3-5 days for us to review and respond. In some instances, it may take us longer to get back to you.


Twitter Support support@twitter.com




  • ポリシーのDoes the user have a history of violating our policies?の部分、「まずはユーザーに悪意がないと想定し、問題があれば本人に指摘し修正を促す」というポリシーに警告なし永久凍結が違反するのでは

  • ポリシーに従えば、せめて凍結のそもそもの理由は通告されるべきでは


Dear X Support,

I am writing to appeal the permanent suspension of my X account @shinpuuu211, executed on 2023/04/10 for violating X 's rules on "evading suspension".

I believe that this violation was unintentional or a result of a misunderstanding. I have been using my Twitter/X account for about 10 years without any previous problems or violations. The suspension may adversely affect my relationships with friends and businesses.

First of all, I would like to offer the following reasons why my account should not be permanently suspended:

- While I acknowledge that I have several accounts, my intention has never been to evade suspension. I use these accounts for different purposes, such as personal communications with friends or promoting my activities. I believe it is reasonable to have separate accounts for different objectives to cater to the preferences of my followers. I have never used any of these accounts to harass others, cause trouble, or engage in any illegal actions.
- I have already deactivated some of these accounts since I stopped using them, and I hope this action demonstrates my unintentional evasion of suspension.
- My account was permanently suspended without any warning. I have never been notified that any of my tweets violated the rules or asked to delete them. I believe it is unfair to suspend an account permanently without any prior warning, especially for "evading suspension." There was no reason for me to evade suspension as my account had never violated any rules. If I had received any warnings about my violations beforehand, I would have taken action to rectify the issue by deleting the tweet.
- Besides, it is concerning that my account was permanently suspended without any prior warning or an opportunity to rectify the issue, especially for an alleged violation of "evading suspension." I would like to draw your attention to the specific section of X's policy that mentions the steps taken before permanent suspension: "Does the user have a history of violating our policies? ... We start from a position of assuming that people do not intend to violate our Rules. Unless a violation is so egregious that we must immediately suspend an account, we first try to educate people about our Rules and give them a chance to correct their behavior." on the page "Our approach to policy development and enforcement philosophy". I had never been notified that any of my tweets violated the rules or asked to delete them, nor my account temporarily suspended for warning, which is inconsistent with the policy's emphasis on educating users and providing a chance to correct their behavior. This lack of communication and education is a matter of concern, and it raises questions about the fairness and transparency of the suspension process. I hereby insist that you at least should inform me of the first reason for the violation, which you believe I attempted to "evade suspension" for.

Finally, I found out that the appeal case 0337004355 has been closed before I received any response from your team after my initial appeal and your request for additional information, and then my response email to the request. I understand that these matters require thorough review, but I believe that the specified period for review of 3-5 days, as mentioned in your initial response email, has been exceeded for months. Therefore, I kindly request that you provide an update on the status of my appeal within a reasonable timeframe at this time.

I hope that the information and evidence I have provided will help in your review of my account's suspension and its decision-making process.

I would appreciate it if you could review my case and consider unlocking my account if the situation warrants it. I am willing to provide any necessary information or documentation to support my request for reinstatement.

Thank you for your time and attention.


We’re writing to let you know that we've unsuspended your account. We’re sorry for the inconvenience and hope to see you back on Twitter soon.

A little background: we have systems that find and remove multiple automated spam accounts in bulk, and yours was flagged as spam by mistake. Please note that it may take an hour or so for your follower and following numbers to return to normal.

If you need to get in touch with us again, please file a report through your Twitter app or our forms page, as this account isn’t monitored for replies.


