
翻訳:Essential Eames: Word & Pictures

Essential Eames: Word & Pictures」の中で印象的な文章があったので訳してみました。


We’re working on an aquarium in the office, so naturally we have an aquarium. We have a lot of little animals. And if those little animals feel too much of a stream coming on them, too much of a current flow, they’re very uneasy. These animals are sort of geared to the status quo….

On the other hand, there are the pelagic animals. And if that current stops, they’re in trouble. They’re dependent on change. Their whole idea of security is essentially when the current is flowing by them. That gives them the oxygen upon which they live, and that sort of frees them from other predators, it brings them closer to food. They’re very secure in change.

And I have a feeling in a way that we as a society and as a group are gradually becoming pelagic in our feeling. That if anyone is going to really feel secure, he must have not an insistence on the status quo, but he must feel secure… in change.




Essential Eames: Word & Pictures より
