
Kakita River: Mystery of Rainy Days

Hello! I’m Yamamoto from Kakitagawa Promotion Activity.
Although I’ve been to Kakita River, I am not very specific about it because I do not live around that area. However, once was enough for me to realize that Kakita River is different from other ordinary rivers! I was completely drawn by its lucidity and calmness! But a question popped up in my head. What happens to that beautiful river when it rains? Will it become muddy, or will it be the same? Let’s find out about it!!

This is the Kakita River we usually see. 

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And this is the Kakita River on rainy days. Although it is not as tranquil as the one in sunny weather, you can enjoy the beautiful ripples the rain makes on the blue water! The water is much clearer than other rivers. 

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As you can see from these photos, we can enjoy the wonderful sight of Kakita River regardless of the weather. Please check this out with your own eyes!

Lastly, I want you to see this beautiful picture created by Marie!

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Title: Hot Springs
【Description: I tried drawing one of the hot springs in the park! I thought it was pretty because the water was crystal clear.】

Thank you for reading this to the end!
See you next time!

(writer :Kanon, Akiko, Marie, Yuzu)
Other than blogs and SNS, the English version of the Kakitagawa Park brochure and a video introducing Kakitagawa Park makes you feel like you're physically in the park! (Though, it's temporarily suspended due to the COVID-19 outbreak)

Below are the sites where you can get basic information about Kakitagawa and the SNS that we moderate, so we hope you'll take a look! Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter! If you find this Blog or SNS post to be interesting, please share it!
Thank you for reading! We hope you'll look forward to the next post!

Address:〒411-0907 Fushimi, Shimizu-Cho, Sunto-gun, Shizuoka Prefecture, 411-0907
Basic information about Kakitagawa:
The Kakita River is the shortest first-class river in Japan that flows through Shimizu Town. Famous as the only river that uses only spring water as a water source, it is one of the three clear streams in Japan. It has been designated as a national natural monument and has been selected as one of the "100 Famous Waters" and "100 Unexplored Areas of Japan".

柿田川関連情報 - 静岡県清水町
【柿田川湧水】アクセス・営業時間・料金情報 (じゃらんnet)

SNS that we(Kakitagawa Promotion Activity)are running

Facebook and Youtube channels that send out about other Kakitagawa information

■latest information on Kakitagawa park
Facebook page 「Kakitagawa park」latest information」
■「Kakitagawa・kakitagawa park」30 second movie
Facebook page「Kakitagawa evol」
■「Kakitagawa・kakitagawa park」1-15 miniute movie
■「Kakitagawa・kakitagawa park」Short movie
YouTube channel「Kakitagawa story」
