
Please support the torrential rainfall disaster in Japan's Kumamoto prefecture.

Note: This note is an article on the "Kumamoto torrential rainstorm disaster" that occurred on July 4, 2020, and is not for commercial purposes.

Due to the torrential rain that occurred on July 4, 2020, the Kuma River overflowed in several places in Kumamoto Prefecture, flooding houses and leaving 22 people dead, 17 people with cardiopulmonary arrest, 11 people unaccounted for, and 1,000 families isolated in the southern part of the prefecture as of the night of July 5.

Strong rainfall has been falling again since the night of May 5, but rescue and evacuation efforts are still underway.

According to the above article, the water level of the Kuma River, which once went down, has risen again due to the rains on the night of 5th, and is now rising to the flood warning level.

We don't know when the floodwaters will rise again.

What we need now is support from other prefectures.

Support site URL:https://smart-supply.org/projects/kumamoto-team/5f029fc18fa995000666e6ab

However, due in part to the effects of the new coronavirus, it has become difficult for volunteers to gather from all over the country to assist in the recovery efforts as they have done up until now.

In fact, the Japan National Council of Social Welfare has issued the following notice regarding support from outside.

However, under the current situation of concern about the spread of a new type of coronavirus, it is difficult to get volunteers to help with disaster relief activities.

There is a risk of spreading the infection if it is carried out. Especially in the area affected by the recent disaster, the percentage of elderly people is high, and the spread of the infection could kill the residents of the affected area.

 We would like to ask you to refrain from going to the affected areas for the purpose of volunteer activities until the call for volunteers has been made from the affected areas.

Therefore, we would like to ask you to refrain from going to the affected areas for volunteer activities until we have heard from the affected areas regarding the need for volunteers.

What we can do to help in this situation is to send donations and relief supplies.

There is a website that is currently looking for tools for mud removal and scrap metal removal, but we are still in need of more supplies.

Please help us out with towels, sandbags, gloves, etc. for a few dollars.

We need a total of 2,133 relief supplies, but if each one of us can send just one donation, we can help as many people as possible.

A lot of people have already participated in the relief effort, but we are still in need of more.

Even if you have never been interested in fundraising and support activities, your support, starting at a few hundred yen, will surely help someone.

I have also been able to provide the necessary supplies to those in need, one by one.

The damage caused by the torrential rains and heavy rains in Kumamoto is still unpredictable, and we are expecting even stronger rains at this time of year. may occur. We need your support as soon as possible.

If you can, please share the above support site or this note on SNS, etc., so that we can collect relief supplies more easily, thank you very much.

Support site URL: https://smart-supply.org/projects/kumamoto-team/5f029fc18fa995000666e6ab

より良い情報を発信していければと思いますので、サポートして頂けましたらとても嬉しいですし、モチベーションに直結します。 いいね・フォローもどうぞよろしくお願いします!🙇‍♂️