

#東小金井 #ラーメン #美味しい #たりきや #じろうけい
#ショートストーリー #発想  #考え 
#毎日 #すとーりーづくりだけでよい


#Higashi-Koganei #Ramen #Delicious #Tarikiya
#shortstory #ideas #thoughts
#Everyday #painful but refreshing

In this world where it's easy to connect with all kinds of people. Even people who don't want to be connected are connected. That's why I feel helpless. But what I really want to do is to leave my own story. That's all there is to it. I want to leave behind a story that I can be satisfied with. Even if it's not cool. Even if it's not cool. I want to write it down to the point where I am satisfied with it and leave it behind. That's all there is to it.
