

        Mona Lisa

作者 レオナルド・ダ・ヴィンチ
製作年 1503年 - 1519年頃
種類 ポプラ板に油彩
寸法 77 cm × 53 cm (30 in × 21 in)
所蔵 ルーヴル美術館、パリ、フランス

Author Leonardo da Vinci
Year of production 1503-around 1519
Oil on the board
Dimensions 77 cm x 53 cm (30 in x 21 in)
Collection Louvre Museum, Paris, France


Now for the final chapter, Mona Lisa. This painting is a difficult enemy. I think it's a painting that contains the same or more of what I've written so far. Moreover, there is a lot of research on the Mona Lisa in the world. There are astronomical papers and hypotheses including urban legends. It is normal to think that an amateur like me has nothing to study. I also read a little about the various studies of scholars. I don't think there are any paintings that have been studied so far, such as Mona Lisa being a "man" or being drawn in the "golden ratio".


There is also a hypothesis that Mona Lisa is an "alien" in urban legends. I don't underestimate those views because I am free to view the paintings. Mona Lisa is probably the most famous painting in the world. I thought I'd write about Mona Lisa, but I changed my mind. I can't make a decision easily. Moreover, I was a little tired of writing "The Last Supper," "Annunciation," "Virgin of the Rocks," and "The Baptism of Christ." Let's rest our mind a little. Therefore, I would like to introduce two paintings by Leonardo da Vinci that I can introduce in a relatively comfortable mood.

