
Iolani Palace



There is Iolani Palace in Honolulu. It is the home of Hawaii’s last king.
At first King Kalakaua built it in 1882. King Kamehameha 3rd used for the official residence and five kings lived there.

It was equipped with the most modern equipment such as electricity, water and sewage, and telephone.

There is a famous Hall that King Kalakaua and his sister, Queen Liliuokalani walked.

The Hawaiian dynasty was overthrown in 1895 and Liliuokalani was imprisoned. After that, this palace was used for Capital building for almost 80 years. The Palace was restored as museum in the 1970s. 

The land around the palace was very important for Hawaiian people.
It is thought to have been the site of an ancient heiau.

We can read “Mission Statement” in the website above.

To preserve, restore, interpret, share, and celebrate the unique cultural, historical, and spiritual qualities of Iolani Palace and its grounds for the benefit of native Hawaiians, the people of Hawaii, and the world.

It was written in English and Hawaiian language.
…It was very impressive for me.
