


“Hōkūleʻa” is the star’s name. It is the star of the first magnitude in the cowboy star sign.
Ancestor of Hawaiian moved to Hawaii using this star as a guide.

“Hōkūleʻa” means the star of happiness. In Hawaiian language “hōkū” is star, “leʻa” is delight.
There is this star always over head in Hawaii island.

In 1975 the special canoe was built in commemoration of the 200th anniversary of the founding of the USA. It named “Hōkūleʻa”.

Ancient people navigated the sea using by the star.
Such a traditional navigation was reproduced and people succeeded a round trip between Hawaii and Tahiti.

The canoe became a symbol of the movement of to revive traditional culture.

The canoe “Hōkūleʻa” has come to also Japan.

When I knew this, I noticed a new fact.
I thought Japan was a part of Asia. But not only that, but also it is one of islands located in the Pacific Ocean.

