
Rainbow Falls /Akaka Falls


There is falls called “Rainbow Falls” in the Big island.
They says “Waianuenue” in Hawaiian language. “Waianuenue” means the rainbow arching over water.

There is also Akaka Falls in the island.

These falls have some legend. I researched them in this time.

Rainbow Falls

Rainbow Falls is the place that Goddess Hina lived.  Hina is the goddess of moon and Maui’s mother. She lived at the cave in basin of a waterfall.

A big lizard “Mo'okuna”(正しい表記がわかりません…) lived at Wailuku river and he usually disturbed Hina’s life.
The lizard threw rocks or logs into the river and made the river overflowed.

Hina asked her son to help. Maui came to Big island from Maui island by canoe. He made the waterway at the mouth of the river and broke the rock that dammed the river.
After that, he called Pele, the goddess of volcano. They flowed lava to the river and drove Mo’okuna out of river.

There is "Peepee Falls” and the pond called “Boiling Pot” on 1 mile upstream from Rainbow Falls.
After the water rises due to heavy rain, a lot of bubbles are formed when the water of the waterfall falls. It seems like boiling water. So it is called “boiling pot”.
It was the place that Mo’okuna hid at the last.

Akaka Falls


Akaka lived in Honomu village.
He lived with a good wife but he had some lovers.

One day Akaka visited his lover, Lehua, while his wife was out.
And he met also another lover, Maile.

When the wife went back home, she followed his smell and call Akaka to come back.

Akaka heard her voice and was ashamed of himself. He threw his body from the cliff.
The wife grieved and shed tears. The tears became the falls.

Lehua and Maile felt sad and wept, too.
Akaka Falls spilit into 2 at the lower.

