
Queen Liliuokalani


She grew up as royal family. She studied at Royal school.
She married an American, he later became governor of Oahu.

In those days her brother Kalākaua was King of Hawaii.
She worked as a regent for her brother. She was a successon.

In 1887 She went to England to celebrate the 50th year of the Emperor’s reign, with Hawaiian Queen.
At that time, a coup d'etat happened in Hawaii.

The king Kalākaua was forced to sign a new constitution.
He didn’t want to sign because it is unfair constitution for Hawaiian people
but he did unwillingly.

After Liliuokalani became Hawaiian queen, she tried taking back the rights of Hawaiian people. It was “Hawaiian revolution”. But the new government put down it.
Liliuokalani was imprisoned and the Hawaiian dynasty was destroyed.

My English teacher tell me that
Liliuokalani signed to protect Hawaiian people who revolted to help her
and became the normal people. So people love her still now.

●Aloha ʻOe

She is also known for making the song “Aloha ʻOe “.

This song is a famous to Japanese people. Of course, I have listened it.
But I didn’t know what the lyrics mean.

After reading the lyrics this time, I was interested in the fact that some of the lyrics were written in English, not only Hawaiian.

※余談:ハワイ島・ヒロの近くに、Liliuokalani Gardenというのがあるらしい。日本からの移民の人達に敬意を表して作られた。そこには「松浪庵」という茶室もあって、それは茶道裏千家第15代家元から寄贈されたものだとか。・・是非行ってみたい。行かなきゃ。
