


こんにちは!📈 今日は、ロサンゼルスの親会社へ業績報告を行うFP&A部長がよく使う英語フレーズを一緒に学んでいきましょう!

Chapter1: Presenting Financial Data

1. Introducing Data

As you can see
As you can see, our Q3 revenue has increased by 15%.
Point: データを示す際の導入に最適!📊

Let me walk you through
Let me walk you through the latest financial report.
Point: 詳細を説明する前に使えるフレーズ!👣

Here’s a breakdown of
Here’s a breakdown of our expenses for this quarter.
Point: 内訳を示す時に便利!🔍

The data indicates that
The data indicates that our costs have decreased.
Point: データの解釈を述べる際に使います!📉

To put it into perspective
To put it into perspective, our market share has grown significantly.
Point: 大局的な視点を提供する時に有効!🌐

2. Highlighting Key Metrics

Our key performance indicators
Our key performance indicators have surpassed targets.
Point: 重要指標を強調する時に使えます!⭐

Significantly outperforming
We are significantly outperforming last year’s results.
Point: 成果の優位性を示す際に便利!🏆

Achieved a milestone
We have achieved a milestone in our sales targets.
Point: 重要な達成を報告する時に!🎯

Exceeded expectations
Our profits have exceeded expectations this quarter.
Point: 期待以上の成果を伝える時に!💹

Noteworthy improvement
There is a noteworthy improvement in our cash flow.
Point: 特筆すべき改善点を示す際に!💧

3. Summarizing Findings

In summary
In summary, our financial health remains strong.
Point: 報告の要点をまとめる時に使います!📝

To conclude
To conclude, we are on track to meet our annual goals.
Point: 結論を述べる際に適しています!🔚

Overall performance
Overall performance this year has been impressive.
Point: 全体の評価を述べる時に!🌟

Key takeaways
Key takeaways from this report include increased revenue and reduced costs.
Point: 重要なポイントを強調する時に!🗝️

Final thoughts
Final thoughts, we are well-positioned for future growth.
Point: 最後のまとめとして使えるフレーズ!💭

Chapter2: Discussing Financial Strategies

1. Proposing Strategies

I recommend that we
I recommend that we invest in new technologies.
Point: 戦略提案時に使える表現!💡

We should consider
We should consider diversifying our investment portfolio.
Point: 考慮すべき事項を提案する時に!🤔

It would be beneficial to
It would be beneficial to reduce operational costs.
Point: 利益になる提案をする際に!💰

Let’s explore
Let’s explore new revenue streams.
Point: 新たな可能性を探求する時に!🔍

We need to prioritize
We need to prioritize our financial objectives for the next quarter.
Point: 優先事項を明確にする際に!📌

2. Justifying Decisions

This approach will
This approach will enhance our profitability.
Point: アプローチの利点を説明する時に!📈

Given that
Given that our expenses are rising, we need to act now.
Point: 状況を踏まえた判断を示す際に!🔄

Considering the current
Considering the current market trends, this strategy is viable.
Point: 市場状況を基にした正当化に!📉

The rationale behind
The rationale behind this decision is to improve cash flow.
Point: 決定の理由を説明する時に!🧩

This aligns with
This aligns with our long-term financial goals.
Point: 目標との整合性を示す際に!🎯

3. Addressing Risks

One potential risk is
One potential risk is market volatility.
Point: リスクを認識する時に使えます!⚠️

We must mitigate
We must mitigate the impact of unforeseen expenses.
Point: リスク軽減策を述べる際に!🛡️

There is a chance that
There is a chance that our projections may be optimistic.
Point: 可能性を示す時に!🔮

To minimize the risk
To minimize the risk, we should diversify our investments.
Point: リスク最小化のための提案に!🔧

In case of
In case of economic downturn, we have contingency plans.
Point: 予備計画を示す際に!🗂️

Chapter3: Engaging with Stakeholders

1. Building Rapport

I appreciate your
I appreciate your support in this quarter.
Point: 感謝を示す時に使える!🙏

Thank you for
Thank you for your valuable insights.
Point: 感謝の意を伝える際に!🌟

We value
We value your feedback on our financial strategies.
Point: 意見を重視する時に!💬

It’s great to
It’s great to collaborate with such a dedicated team.
Point: 協力関係を強調する際に!🤝

We are committed to
We are committed to achieving our mutual goals.
Point: コミットメントを示す時に!🔗

2. Facilitating Discussions

Let’s open the floor to
Let’s open the floor to any questions you may have.
Point: 質疑応答を促す際に!🗣️

I’d like to hear your thoughts on
I’d like to hear your thoughts on our latest financial report.
Point: 意見を求める時に使えます!💭

Can you elaborate on
Can you elaborate on the projected growth?
Point: 詳細を求める際に!📘

Let’s discuss
Let’s discuss the implications of these numbers.
Point: 議論を始める時に!🔍

Feel free to share
Feel free to share any concerns you might have.
Point: 気軽に意見を述べてもらう際に!👐

3. Closing Conversations

To wrap up
To wrap up, we’ve achieved significant milestones this quarter.
Point: 会話を締めくくる時に使える!🔚

Before we finish
Before we finish, does anyone have any final questions?
Point: 最後の確認をする際に!❓

I look forward to
I look forward to our continued collaboration.
Point: 前向きな締めくくりに!👋

Thank you for your time
Thank you for your time and attention today.
Point: 感謝を込めて締める時に!⏰

Let’s stay in touch
Let’s stay in touch for future updates.
Point: 継続的なコミュニケーションを促す際に!📧

Chapter4: Handling Financial Challenges

1. Addressing Budget Constraints

Due to budget constraints
Due to budget constraints, we need to reduce expenses.
Point: 予算の制約を説明する時に!💸

We need to reallocate
We need to reallocate funds to critical areas.
Point: 資金配分の変更を提案する際に!🔄

Let’s prioritize
Let’s prioritize our spending for maximum impact.
Point: 支出の優先順位を決める時に!📋

In light of
In light of recent financial challenges, adjustments are necessary.
Point: 状況に応じた対応を説明する際に!🌩️

We must optimize
We must optimize our resources to stay within budget.
Point: 資源の最適化を促す時に!⚙️

2. Managing Cash Flow Issues

We are experiencing
We are experiencing a temporary cash flow issue.
Point: 問題を率直に伝える際に!💧

To improve cash flow
To improve cash flow, we should expedite receivables.
Point: 改善策を提案する時に!🚀

Implementing stricter
Implementing stricter credit policies can help manage cash flow.
Point: 方針変更を提案する際に!📑

We need to secure
We need to secure a line of credit to ensure liquidity.
Point: 資金調達の必要性を述べる時に!🏦

Monitoring cash flow closely
Monitoring cash flow closely will help us anticipate issues.
Point: 綿密な監視の重要性を強調する際に!👀

3. Navigating Economic Downturns

In the event of
In the event of an economic downturn, we have strategies in place.
Point: 予防策を説明する時に!🛡️

We need to be proactive
We need to be proactive in identifying cost-saving measures.
Point: 積極的な対応を促す際に!⚡

Adjusting our forecasts
Adjusting our forecasts will help us stay aligned with reality.
Point: 予測の見直しを提案する時に!🔄

Strengthening our financial resilience
Strengthening our financial resilience is crucial during tough times.
Point: 財務強化の重要性を述べる際に!💪

Exploring alternative revenue streams
Exploring alternative revenue streams can mitigate risks.
Point: リスク軽減のための多様化を提案する時に!🌐

Chapter5: Reporting and Compliance

1. Ensuring Accuracy

We have verified
We have verified all the financial statements for accuracy.
Point: 正確性を強調する際に!✔️

Our data is corroborated by
Our data is corroborated by independent audits.
Point: データの信頼性を示す時に!🔒

To ensure precision
To ensure precision, we have double-checked all entries.
Point: 精度確保のための行動を説明する際に!🔍

Maintaining accuracy is
Maintaining accuracy is our top priority in reporting.
Point: 正確性の重要性を強調する時に!📌

We adhere to strict
We adhere to strict accounting standards to ensure reliability.
Point: 標準遵守を述べる際に!📚

2. Complying with Regulations

In accordance with
In accordance with GAAP, we have recorded the revenues accurately.
Point: 規則に基づく行動を示す時に!📜

We are compliant with
We are compliant with all relevant financial regulations.
Point: 規制遵守を明確に伝える際に!✅

Following the guidelines set by
Following the guidelines set by the SEC, we ensure transparency.
Point: ガイドライン遵守を述べる時に!📘

Our reporting practices align with
Our reporting practices align with international standards.
Point: 国際基準への整合性を示す際に!🌍

We regularly audit
We regularly audit our processes to maintain compliance.
Point: 継続的な監査の重要性を述べる時に!🔎

3. Communicating Compliance

We ensure that
We ensure that all transactions are documented properly.
Point: 適切な手続きを強調する際に!📄

Our team is trained in
Our team is trained in regulatory compliance.
Point: チームの訓練状況を述べる時に!👥

We take compliance seriously
We take compliance seriously to avoid any legal issues.
Point: コンプライアンスの重要性を強調する際に!⚖️

Adhering to regulations ensures
Adhering to regulations ensures our operations remain uninterrupted.
Point: 規制遵守のメリットを述べる時に!🔗

We maintain transparency by
We maintain transparency by regularly updating our stakeholders.
Point: 透明性維持の方法を説明する際に!✨


