Revoicer 生成 ナレーション立佞武多Axel-2287839

Revoicer 生成 ナレーション立佞武多Axel-2287839

Motonari Ito
00:00 | 00:00

今回は別な原稿を読み込ませて、Tone だけフレンドリーを選択してみました。 最初にRevoicer編集しているので、器械のほうで僕の癖を覚えたのかもしれません。ただ癖を取りたいときどうすればいいのかな。最初にNomalにすればいいのかな。

固有名詞 スペル変更
Neputa ⇒Nepーta
Gosyogawara⇒Go-shogawara または Go-sho-gawara


Neputa festivals are the top-rated summer festivals in Japan.
Espesialy Goshogawara Tachineputa (~五所川原 立佞武多~) is one of the biggest summer festivals in Aomori Prefecture.
The festivals' floats are the historical characters' gigantic doll lanterns.

Back in the early 1900s,
Neputa symbolized the power and wealth of people,
farmers, landowners, and merchants.
The Nunoka, of famous trade name, was
known as the wealthiest merchant in this area, particularly in Gosyogawara.
A carpenter, Suekichi Akimoto, worked for The Nunoka.

He designed a substantial Neputa float for his master and their own.
About 100 people shouldered The Neputa, 20 meters tall, and paraded the streets.

However, in the Taisho era, electricity spread, and
electric wires were set up around town.
Neputa required to be made shorter but wider after that.

By the way, there were two conflagrations in Goshogawara
in those days(1944 and 1946).
People thought that all of the work materials of old Neputa
or produce it had been lost in the fires.
Although fortunately,
some photos and blueprints of Neputa were found in 1993.

Now, after an interval of over 80 years,
the restoration and revival of Neputa in
Goshogawara had begun.
Many volunteers work hard for the production of Neputa every year.
This new Neputa in Goshogawara was renamed TACHINEPUTA.