


2015 Indonesia @ Padangbai Homestay①

As I was walking after arriving at Padang Bai by ferry from the main island of Lombok, a man in his 50s on a 50cc motorbike called out to me. He showed me a photo and asked me if I wanted to stay at his homestay. In Indonesia, guesthouses are sometimes called homestays. It was far from the port, so I declined, and headed to the main street where the speedboats of Gili Island arrive and depart to look for a cheap room. I found a cheap guesthouse with a dormitory and asked the staff how much it cost, and the same man on the motorbike came again. He said he runs the guesthouse, and the staff said he was the owner. He said that if I stayed at the homestay, breakfast would be included, and if I stayed for a few days, the price would be reduced. There was also a pool, and he said that if I came now, he would drop me off in the car parked in the parking lot.
I don't remember the price at that time, but I think it was around 1,250 yen per night.
After a 6-hour ferry ride, it was already night, so I decided to go to a room called a homestay.
The man on the motorbike went to get his car and returned in about 5 minutes. It was a new, expensive-looking Toyota.
