

こんにちは!JFCネットワーク事務局です。今回のストーリーは、フィリピン・マニラの事務所「マリガヤハウス」のソーシャルワーカーからです。20父が日本人であり、母がフィリピン人である子(JFC:Japanese Filipino Children)について、2014年に母から相談を受けており、今回の原稿を書くために、再度子どもにインタビューをしました。子どもが3歳の時に両親は別居して、子は父親不在で育ちましたが、大人になってから父と再会することができ、気持ちが大きく変わったそうです。





2023年2月、ミカは来日をし、自分と息子のために犠牲になってくれた母親への 「恩返し」をしようと、製麺所で働き始めました。名古屋で働き始めて3ヶ月後、彼女はフィリピン人の友人に助けを求め、父の昔の電話番号に電話をしてみたところ、父は今でも同じ番号を使っていて、父と話をすることができました。2人はビデオ通話で定期的に連絡を取り合うようになりました。



英語原文:The Ultimate Dream of an Abandoned JFC

“This is my ultimate dream since I was a kid; to personally meet my biological father. I feel complete now that my dream is coming true. Thank you, Maligaya House for helping me get Japanese nationality.”

Mika (not her real name), grew up without a father. Her parents separated when she was 3 years old. And what pained her more as a child was her mother, Annaliza (not real name) had no time to bond with her because she was always busy working away from home to be able to provide for Mika’s needs given that her father never send financial support.

Mika’s mother tried her best to fulfill her roles as a mother and also as a father for Mika but as a child she always longed for her mother’s presence and care. She could recall that as she grew up, she was always left under the care of a nanny or her maternal grandmother. Even when she was sick, her mother still needed to work. When there were school activities and she needed the presence of her mother, she was always out for work. There were instances that she would only meet her mother outside the school for a few minutes because Annaliza had to travel with her clients as a tour guide and interpreter. Mika shared that she could not help but envy her classmates who were conveyed to and fetched from school by their parents.

Later on, her mother found a Filipino partner so she grew up with a Filipino stepfather. She was treated well like a real daughter by her stepfather and she was grateful and happy about it. But deep inside, as a child, she was longing for the presence of her biological father. She was always curious how it feels to be with her biological father.

Mika did not hear any bad things about her Japanese father from her mother. She was just told by her mother that the reason why they got separated was her father failed to bring them to Japan. She knew that her father failed to support her financially but she never heard her mother complained because she was working hard for Mika.

In 2014, Annaliza sought the assistance of Maligaya House to request for Mika’s legal recognition in Japan since she was born before her parents got married. Their life that time was difficult because Annaliza lost her mobile phone where she stored the contact numbers of her clients and it was her only contact number. They experienced borrowing money from relatives and friends just to be able to comply the requirements to locate and negotiate with the Japanese father. Nevertheless, the Japanese father did not cooperate right away. But since Annaliza still wanted to show respect to her ex-husband husband, she refused to file a case against him for legal recognition of Mika. After a few years, finally the Japanese father agreed to recognize Mika. Thus, she was able to apply her Japanese nationality before the deadline of the application and it was also approved.

Before she acquired her Japanese nationality, Mika got pregnant and gave birth to a baby boy at the age of 17. She did not finish her college because she needed to focus to her responsibility as teenage mother. Her boyfriend stood by her side during pregnancy and even when she gave birth but later on they separated due to irreconcilable differences and immaturity to handle situations as a couple. It was Annaliza to supported and provided for Mika and her son.

In February 2023, she went to Japan and started working in noodle factory with the hope that she can “payback” all the sacrifices of her mother for her and her son. And after 3 months of working in Nagoya, she started seeking help from Filipino friends to contact her father’s old contact number since she has no personal mobile phone that time. She was overjoyed that his number was still active. Since then, they started to have a regular communication via video calls.

Finally, last July 2023, she met her father in Japan in Kagoshima. Her father’s elder brother fetched her in Nagayo ang brought her to her father in Kagoshima. It was a very emotional moment for her and even for her mother who witnessed online what had transpired that time. And although she and her father could not fully understand each other due to language barrier, her mother tried her best to be interpreter online. Her father showed her around and brought her a lot of gifts for her and for his grandson in the Philippines. He helped her find her own apartment to rent and he tried supporting her in any ways possible.

Mika was delighted meeting and having a bond with her father after 18 years and she considered it as one of the happiest moment of her life because it was her childhood dream to meet her biological father.

In the near future, she planned to bring her son in Japan so that he can have a Japanese education at an early age.

For Mika, dreams really do come true if you earnestly desire, plan, work hard, do your part the best way possible and of course with the help generous people. She is forever grateful to Maligaya House and JFC Network for all the help the organization extended.






