2024年5月7日、NCA(National Crime Agency)からのニュースリリース

2024年5月7日、NCA(National Crime Agency)からニュースリリースが公表されましたので、以下、機械翻訳です。

2024年5月7日:LockBit leader unmasked and sanctioned

LockBit leader unmasked and sanctioned
LockBit リーダーの正体が暴かれ、制裁される

A leader of what was once the world’s most harmful cyber crime group has been unmasked and sanctioned by the UK, US and Australia, following a National Crime Agency-led international disruption campaign.

The sanctions against Russian national Dmitry Khoroshev (pictured), the administrator and developer of the LockBit ransomware group, are being announced today by the FCDO alongside the US Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) and the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs.
LockBit ランサムウェア グループの管理者兼開発者であるロシア国籍のドミトリー ホロシェフ (写真) に対する制裁は、米国財務省外国資産管理局 (OFAC) およびオーストラリア外務省とともに FCDO によって本日発表された 。

Khoroshev, AKA LockBitSupp, who thrived on anonymity and offered a $10 million reward to anyone who could reveal his identity, will now be subject to a series of asset freezes and travel bans.

US partners have also unsealed an indictment against him and are offering a reward of up to $10m for information leading to his arrest and/or conviction.

The actions targeting Khoroshev form part of an extensive and ongoing investigation into the LockBit group by the NCA, FBI, and international partners who form the Operation Cronos taskforce.

LockBit provided ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) to a global network of hackers or ‘affiliates’, supplying them with the tools and infrastructure to carry out attacks.
LockBit は、ハッカーまたは「関連会社」のグローバル ネットワークにサービスとしてのランサムウェア (RaaS) を提供し、攻撃を実行するためのツールとインフラストラクチャを提供した。

In February the NCA announced that it had infiltrated the group’s network and taken control of its services, including its leak site on the dark web, which compromised the entire criminal enterprise.

The true impact of LockBit’s criminality was previously unknown, but data obtained from their systems showed that between June 2022 and February 2024, more than 7,000 attacks were built using their services. The top five countries hit were the US, UK, France, Germany and China.
LockBit の犯罪性の本当の影響はこれまで不明でしたが、同社のシステムから取得したデータによると、2022 年 6 月から 2024 年 2 月の間に、7,000 件を超える攻撃がそのサービスを利用して構築されたことが示されています。被害を受けた上位5カ国は米国、英国、フランス、ドイツ、中国だった。

Pictured: the NCA took control of the group's services including its leak site on the dark web
写真: NCAはダークウェブ上のリークサイトを含むグループのサービスを掌握した

Attacks targeted over 100 hospitals and healthcare companies and at least 2,110 victims were forced into in some degree of negotiation by cyber criminals.
攻撃は 100 を超える病院や医療会社を標的にしており、少なくとも 2,110 人の被害者がサイバー犯罪者によってある程度の交渉を強いられた。

The group has attempted to rebuild over the last two months, however the NCA assesses that as a result of this investigation, they are currently running at limited capacity and the global threat from LockBit has significantly reduced.
同グループは過去 2 か月にわたって再建を試みてきましたが、NCA はこの調査の結果、現在は限られた能力で運営されており、LockBit による世界的な脅威は大幅に減少したと評価している。

LockBit have created a new leak site on which they have inflated apparent activity by publishing victims targeted prior to the NCA taking control of its services in February, as well as taking credit for attacks perpetrated using other ransomware strains.
LockBit は、NCA が 2月にサービスを掌握する前に標的となった被害者を公開し、他のランサムウェア株を使用して実行された攻撃を自分の手柄にすることで、見かけの活動を誇張する新しいリーク サイトを作成した。

Data shows that the average number of monthly LockBit attacks has reduced by 73% in the UK since February’s action, with other countries also reporting reductions. Attacks appear to have been carried out by less sophisticated affiliates with lower levels of impact.
データによると、英国では 2月の措置以降、毎月の LockBit 攻撃の平均件数が 73% 減少しており、他の国々も減少を報告している。攻撃は、影響力のレベルが低い、あまり洗練されていない関連会社によって実行されたようである。

As well as uncovering the real-world identity of LockBitSupp, the Operation Cronos investigation has given the NCA and partners a deep insight into LockBit’s operations and network.
LockBitSupp の現実世界の正体を明らかにするだけでなく、クロノス作戦の調査により、NCA とパートナーは LockBit の運営とネットワークについての深い洞察を得ることができた。

Of the 194 affiliates identified as using LockBit’s services up until February 2024:
2024 年 2 月までに LockBit のサービスを使用していたことが判明した関連会社 194 社のうち:

  • 148 built attacks.

  • 119 engaged in negotiations with victims, meaning they definitely deployed attacks.

  • Of the 119 who began negotiations, there are 39 who appear not to have ever received a ransom payment.

  • 75 did not engage in any negotiation, so also appear not to have received any ransom payments.

  • 148 の攻撃が構築された。

  • 119 は被害者との交渉に従事しており、攻撃を展開したことは間違いない。

  • 交渉を開始した119人のうち、身代金の支払いを一度も受け取っていないと思われる人が39人いる。

  • 75 人はいかなる交渉も行わなかったため、身代金の支払いも受けていないようである。

This means up to 114 affiliates paid thousands to join the LockBit programme and caused unknown levels of damage, meaning they will targeted by law enforcement, but never made any money from their criminality.
これは、最大 114 のアフィリエイターが数千ドルを支払ってロックビット プログラムに参加し、未知のレベルの損害を引き起こしたことを意味する。つまり、彼らは法執行機関の標的となる可能性があるが、その犯罪行為によって利益を得たことはない。

Active affiliate numbers have also significantly reduced, to 69, since February.
アクティブなアフィリエイト数も 2月以降、69と大幅に減少した。

The NCA uncovered numerous examples of attacks where the decryptor provided by LockBit to victims who had paid ransoms failed to work, and where they received no support from affiliates or LockBit, further highlighting their untrustworthiness.

In one affiliate attack against a children’s hospital in December 2022, LockBitSupp issued an apologetic statement on their leak site and confirmed it had provided the decryptor to the victim for free.

It said the attacker had “violated our rules”, had been blocked and was no longer in their affiliate programme. In fact, they remained an active LockBit affiliate up until the February 2024 disruption, with NCA analysis showing they went on to build 127 unique attacks, engage in 50 negotiations with victims and received multiple ransom payments.
同社は、攻撃者が「当社のルールに違反」し、ブロックされ、アフィリエイトプログラムから外れたと述べた。実際、彼らは 2024年2月の混乱までアクティブな LockBitアフィリエイトを続けており、NCAの分析によると、彼らはその後127件の独自の攻撃を構築し、被害者と50件の交渉を行い、複数回の身代金の支払いを受け取った。

Finally, as was established by investigators, LockBit did not routinely delete stolen data once a ransom was paid.
最後に、捜査当局が立証したように、LockBit は身代金が支払われた後、盗まれたデータを定期的に削除しなかった。

NCA Director General Graeme Biggar said: “These sanctions are hugely significant and show that there is no hiding place for cyber criminals like Dmitry Khoroshev, who wreak havoc across the globe. He was certain he could remain anonymous, but he was wrong.

“We know our work to disrupt LockBit thus far has been extremely successful in degrading their capability and credibility among the criminal community. The group’s attempt at rebuilding has resulted in a much less sophisticated enterprise with significantly reduced impact.

“Today’s announcement puts another huge nail in the LockBit coffin and our investigation into them continues. We are also now targeting affiliates who have used LockBit services to inflict devastating ransomware attacks on schools, hospitals and major companies around the world.
「今日の発表は、LockBit の棺にまた大きな釘を刺し、それらに対する私たちの調査は続けられる。また現在、LockBit サービスを使用して世界中の学校、病院、大企業に壊滅的なランサムウェア攻撃を加えた関連会社もターゲットにしている。

“Working with our international partners, we will use all the tools at our disposal to target other groups like LockBit, expose their leadership and undermine their operations to protect the public.”

Sanctions Minister, Anne-Marie Trevelyan said: “Together with our allies we will continue to crack down on hostile cyber activity which is destroying livelihoods and businesses across the world.

“In sanctioning one of the leaders of LockBit we are taking direct action against those who continue to threaten global security, while simultaneously exposing the malicious cyber-criminal activity emanating from Russia.”

Security Minister Tom Tugendhat said: “Cyber criminals think they are untouchable, hiding behind anonymous accounts as they try to extort money from their victims.

“By exposing one of the leaders of LockBit, we are sending a clear message to these callous criminals. You cannot hide. You will face justice.”

The NCA and international partners are now in possession of over 2,500 decryption keys and are continuing to contact LockBit victims to offer support. The Agency has so far proactively reached out to nearly 240 LockBit victims in the UK.
NCA と国際パートナーは現在 2,500 を超える復号キーを所有しており、サポートを提供するために LockBit 被害者に連絡を続けています。同庁はこれまでのところ、英国で約240人のLockBit被害者に積極的に連絡を取っている。

Public reporting is absolutely vital in supporting global law enforcement to tackle ransomware effectively. If you are in the UK, you should use the Government’s Cyber Incident Signposting Site as soon as possible, for direction on which agencies to report your incident to.
世界中の法執行機関がランサムウェアに効果的に対処できるようサポートするには、公的報告が不可欠である。英国にお住まいの場合は、できるだけ早く政府のサイバー インシデント標識サイトを使用して、インシデントを報告する機関の指示を得る必要がある。

The Operation Cronos taskforce includes the NCA, the South West Regional Organised Crime Unit (SWROCU), and Metropolitan Police Service in the UK; FBI and the Department of Justice in the US; Europol, Eurojust, and law enforcement partners in France (Gendarmerie), Germany (LKA and BKA), Switzerland (Fedpol and Zurich Cantonal Police), Japan (National Police Agency), Australia (Australian Federal Police), Sweden (Swedish Police Authority), Canada (RCMP), and the Netherlands (National Police - Politie).
クロノス作戦タスクフォースには、NCA、南西部地域組織犯罪対策ユニット (SWROCU)、英国警視庁が含まれる。米国の FBI と司法省。 Europol、Eurojust、およびフランス (憲兵隊)、ドイツ (LKA および BKA)、スイス (連邦警察およびチューリッヒ州警察)、日本 (警察庁)、オーストラリア (オーストラリア連邦警察)、スウェーデン (スウェーデン警察当局) の法執行パートナー、カナダ(RCMP)、オランダ(国家警察 - Politie)。

This operation was also supported by the National Bureau of Investigation in Finland.

07 May 2024
2024 年 5 月 7 日

2024年5月7日:United States Sanctions Senior Leader of the LockBit Ransomware Group


KHOROSHEV, Dmitry Yuryevich (a.k.a. KHOROSHEV, Dmitrii Yuryevich; a.k.a. KHOROSHEV, Dmitriy Yurevich; a.k.a. YURIEVICH, Dmitry; a.k.a. "LOCKBITSUPP"), Russia; DOB 17 Apr 1993; POB Russian Federation; nationality Russia; citizen Russia; Email Address khoroshev1@icloud.com; alt. Email Address sitedev5@yandex.ru; Gender Male; Digital Currency Address - XBT bc1qvhnfknw852ephxyc5hm4q520zmvf9maphetc9z; Secondary sanctions risk: Ukraine-/Russia-Related Sanctions Regulations, 31 CFR 589.201; Passport 2018278055 (Russia); alt. Passport 2006801524 (Russia); Tax ID No. 366110340670 (Russia) (individual) [CYBER2].

英国:UK and allies sanction prolific cyber hacker
2024年5月7日:The UK, US and Australia have sanctioned the Russian leader of cyber-crime gang LockBit.

オーストラリア:Minister for Foreign Affairs
2024年5月8日:Cyber sanction imposed on Russian citizen for ransomware activity

ユーロポール(Europol):New series of measures issued against the administrator of LockBit
2024年5月7日:Today, authorities from the United Kingdom, United States and Australia are revealing the second phase of Operation Cronos – the sanctions.

