
Discover Tochigi: Temples, Hot Springs, and Natural Beauty

Welcome to Tochigi

Nestled just north of Tokyo, Tochigi Prefecture is a treasure trove of cultural heritage, rejuvenating hot springs, and stunning natural landscapes. Whether you're a history enthusiast, a nature lover, or seeking relaxation, Tochigi promises an unforgettable experience.

Explore Historic Temples and Shrines

Tochigi is renowned for its ancient temples and shrines, each offering a unique glimpse into Japan's rich history.

Nikko Toshogu Shrine

The crown jewel of Tochigi is undoubtedly the Nikko Toshogu Shrine, a UNESCO World Heritage site. Dedicated to Tokugawa Ieyasu, the founder of the Tokugawa Shogunate, this opulent shrine is adorned with intricate carvings and vibrant colors. Don't miss the famous "Three Wise Monkeys" carving, symbolizing the principle "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil."

Rinnoji Temple

A short walk from Toshogu Shrine, Rinnoji Temple is a serene sanctuary known for its tranquil gardens and the Three Buddha Hall. Inside, you'll find three majestic gold-lacquered statues of Amida, Senju-Kannon, and Bato-Kannon, exuding an aura of peace and reverence.

Futarasan Shrine

Located near the above two sites, Futarasan Shrine dates back to the year 767 and is dedicated to the deities of Nikko's three sacred mountains. The beautiful red bridges and peaceful forest surroundings create a mystical atmosphere.

Soak in Luxurious Hot Springs

After a day of temple hopping, unwind in Tochigi's renowned hot springs.

Kinugawa Onsen

Kinugawa Onsen, situated along the picturesque Kinugawa River, offers a variety of hot spring baths with breathtaking views. The therapeutic waters are perfect for soaking away your travel fatigue while enjoying the serene mountain scenery.

Nasu Onsen

With a history spanning over 1,300 years, Nasu Onsen is famous for its healing waters. The area boasts numerous hot spring resorts, from rustic traditional inns to modern facilities, ensuring a perfect fit for every traveler's preference.

Immerse Yourself in Natural Beauty

Tochigi's diverse landscapes provide endless opportunities for outdoor adventures.

Lake Chuzenji

Formed by a volcanic eruption 20,000 years ago, Lake Chuzenji is a serene lake nestled in the mountains of Nikko National Park. Rent a boat, take a lakeside stroll, or hike one of the many trails to enjoy the stunning views, especially during the autumn foliage season.

Kegon Falls

Near Lake Chuzenji, Kegon Falls is one of Japan's top three waterfalls. Plummeting 97 meters into a rocky gorge, the waterfall is a sight to behold. Visit the observation deck for a panoramic view or take the elevator down to the base for an up-close experience.

Nasu Highlands

The Nasu Highlands offer a range of activities, from hiking and skiing to relaxing in hot springs. Explore the scenic trails of Mount Nasu, an active volcano, or visit the Nasu Animal Kingdom for a family-friendly adventure.

Savor Local Delicacies

Tochigi's culinary offerings are a delightful part of any visit.

Tochigi Strawberries

Known for producing some of Japan's best strawberries, Tochigi's strawberries are a must-try. Visit a local farm for a strawberry-picking experience, or enjoy these sweet berries in a variety of desserts.


Utsunomiya, Tochigi's capital, is famous for its gyoza (dumplings). With countless gyoza restaurants to choose from, you'll have the chance to savor these delicious bites, whether steamed, fried, or boiled.

Insider Tips for a Perfect Trip

  1. Seasonal Beauty: Visit in autumn to see the vibrant fall foliage, or in spring for cherry blossoms.

  2. Local Festivals: Time your visit to coincide with local festivals like the Nikko Toshogu Shrine Grand Festival in May and October.

  3. Public Transport: Utilize the Nikko Pass for convenient and cost-effective travel around Nikko and its surrounding areas.


Tochigi Prefecture is a captivating blend of ancient history, natural beauty, and culinary delights. From the majestic temples and tranquil hot springs to the breathtaking landscapes and delectable local foods, Tochigi offers a unique and enriching experience for every traveler. Embark on an adventure just a short trip from Tokyo and uncover the hidden gems of Tochigi!

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