
釘崎 野薔薇デッキ


こんにちは, 私はJan(@dEMOn_dayz)です。 私はシンガポール出身です、私の日本語はあまり上手ではありません。 それで、私は英語で書きます。Hello, I am Jan. I am from Singapore, so I mainly communicate in English. As this is a Japanese website, I apologize. I hope I write this so that Google Translation will translate my words accurately. Also, I am not a very skilled player, so I am not very good at Union Arena. This is not a top tier deck. I made this deck out of love for the character, so it does not guarantee a high win rate.

I love Kugisaki as a character, and while Itadori, Fushiguro and Gojo have strong decks, Kugisaki feels like a support character. I want Kugisaki to be the main focus, and pair her with other yellow cards such as Gojo, Fushiguro and Panda. I am glad to meet other players on Twitter/X and this website, allowing me to improve my deck as I learn more.

Special Thanks

There are a few people I want to give credit to, as their decks inspired me a lot. I will share their Twitter/X profiles.

Deck by yatt (@hiroyatt22)

The first Kugisaki deck that inspired me was from yatt (@hiroyatt22), whose deck was shared on the Union Arena official Twitter/X account for the「ユニオンレア争奪祭」in April 2023. Compared to my original Kugisaki deck, this one felt better and I could win more games. I used this for my local 呪術廻戦ユニオンレア争奪バトル and came in 5th place (I am sorry). This deck inspired me to try harder in making a Kugisaki deck. A few things I learnt from this deck:

  • I do not need 4 copies of yellow 0-1 Kugisaki, and can consider the blue 0-1 Kugisaki since she has ドロー trigger and the effect is useful.

  • 虚式「茈」is good choice for スペシャル trigger as it removes an opponent’s card.

  • It is not a must to put 4 copies of ファイナル trigger in the deck.

Deck by FOX (@The_Family_FOX)

The second Kugisaki deck that I learnt from was by FOX (@The_Family_FOX), who is very friendly and kind to share his deck recipe with me. My deck recipe is most similar to his, and I am grateful for him sharing his advice. He inspired me to try and put「簪」in the deck. I initially tried 4 copies, but reduced to 2 copies.

Deck by ゼズゥ@しばらくユニアリ(@zezuu_HunterX)

The third Kugisaki deck was by ゼズゥ@しばらくユニアリ(@zezuu_HunterX), and it was the strongest I tried so far. There is a Gojo combo inside a Kugisaki/Panda deck! It seemed impossible, as there are many things going on with the deck, but it worked. I am always impressed with his decks. Some things I learnt from his deck:

  • 【ダメージ(2)】is useful for making the opponent to do force blocking.

  • The new Gojo cards work well with raid Kugisaki in force blocking, as they all can【ダメージ(2)】. There is a total of 8 cards with 【ダメージ(2)】

  • Maybe there is no need for 4 copies of raid Panda, since it has theゲットtrigger. You can either draw it, or get it when you activate it during trigger step.

  • アクティブ trigger is important since we have 2【2回ブロック】from Panda and Color Gojo. There are 16 アクティブ trigger in this deck, so there is up to 32% chance of activating the trigger.

  • Having 0 copies of ファイナル trigger is not the end of the world. The deck is surprisingly efficient without 領域展開, as I can get out the necessary cards faster.

I also want to direct readers to these two great articles that helped me understand 黄 呪術廻戦 cards better!

My Deck Recipe

My goal with a Kugisaki deck is to use all her cards, even if I do not put 4 copies. While Gojo and Fushiguro have more cards and more stable combos, I wanted to avoid making them the main focus of the deck.

One of my earliest Kugisaki decks

My initial deck for Kugisaki was before the New Card Selection set came out. This was after I saw the deck recipe by yatt. While 「茈」is very important (it is my only removal card), I sometimes worry about the 5 required energy (必要エナジー数). There are times when I had the card in hand, but I did not have enough energy, or I had no Gojo in the field (場に). To be fair, I am not a skilled player, so that problem may be isolated to me.

Ø  Draw (ドロー): 9
Ø  Active (アクティブ): 7
Ø  Final (ファイナル): 2
Ø  Get (ゲット): 8
Ø  Raid (レイド): 4
Ø  Special (スペシャル): 4
Ø  Color (カラー): 4
Ø  None: 12

Current Kugisaki deck

My current deck for Kugisaki, after the release of the New Card Selection set. This was after trying out the deck recipes by ゼズゥ@しばらくユニアリ and FOX.

Ø  Draw (ドロー): 11
Ø  Active (アクティブ): 8
Ø  Final (ファイナル): 4
Ø  Get (ゲット): 7
Ø  Raid (レイド): 4
Ø  Special (スペシャル): 4
Ø  Color (カラー): 4
Ø  None: 8

Early game: build up Energy Line, while using 0-1 Panda to attack first. 1-1 Inumaki helps to slow down any rush decks. It is important to set up Energy Line early to prepare for raid Kugisaki.
Mid game: Rely on 4-1 Gojo to block, while using Kugisaki cards to clear the opponent’s Front Line for 【ダメージ(2)】 or forced blocking.
Late game: Ideally, opponent has 1~2 life left. That is when I raid out the 4-1 Panda to try and finish the game.

(assuming that Kugisaki is already in Front Line)
(it is easier if 2-1 Kugisaki is the one already in Front Line)

The key combo of Kugisaki cards is to use 1AP to rest 2 cards in opponent’s Front Line before attacking (assuming that the raid source Kugisaki is on the Front Line in active state at the start of the turn). Then 1AP to make 4-1 Kugisaki do 2 damage.

As there is no removal ability in this deck, I need to think carefully how to rest characters and attack, in order to make the opponent force block with their stronger characters. That is a skill I am still developing.

Deck Breakdown

This card was a long debate. I was torn between this card and 0-1 Maki. Maki had 2000BP and Active trigger. However, found the Draw trigger more important. And the BP+1000 is useful for 3-1 Panda, 2-1 Kugisaki and 4-1 Gojo to become 4000BP and 4500BP. I enjoy having the BP increase.

This card is useful at the early game for aggression, and raid source. No trigger is sad, but pandas are cute and the is【ステップ】useful.

The main character of the deck, and a raid source. Since it has Get trigger, I feel that it is not a must to have 4 copies. She will stay in Energy Line until I need to play 4-1 Kugisaki.

Even though this is blue energy, it can still be a raid source. The Draw trigger and her draw-1-discard-1 ability can be useful as well. It is just a concern that she cannot help with building energy in the early game.

But honestly, I only put her in the deck because I love the artwork!

I initially did not understand the power of this card, since I cannot make the rest happen during my turn (to combo with 「簪」). However, I realized how useful this card is in stopping the opponent’s attacks, essentially blocking 2 attackers at once. However, it does not have any trigger, so I was hesitant to put more than two.

I actually love this card a lot. It helped me turn the game a few times, when I had 2 of this cards in front with BP+1000 twice. It has impact negate 【インパクト無効】, it can boost my 3000BP and 3500BP characters, and it has Draw trigger. I sometimes want to put 4 copies, but I lack the space. I may change my mind in future.

Kugisaki card, immediately 4 copies. Raid source for 4-1 Kugisaki. Her ability to rest allows me to combo with 「簪」easily. This card has Draw trigger, and 3000BP is pretty decent.

Kugisaki card, immediately 4 copies. Raid source for 4-1 Kugisaki. She also generates 2 energy, and has Active trigger. Both are positive things. Her ability only allows you to pick up Kugisaki event cards, which is a smart design to prevent you from using it for other event cards.

It can be raid source for 4-1 Panda, but it is also very versatile. The【ステップ】ability allows Panda to shift between attacking in Front Line and generating 2 energy in Energy Line, depending on the situation. The Active trigger is also useful for the double blockers.

This card is very versatile. Without raid, this card is just another copy of the 3-1 Panda, which is not entirely bad. The true strength appears when it is raided though. It is a strong defence and strong offense. 4000BP with 【2回ブロック】makes Panda a strong blocker. His 【インパクト(1)】allows me to take out the remaining 1 life in the life area. They must know he is strong, so he has Get trigger and not Raid trigger.

Another【2回ブロック】for the deck. His 【相手のターン中】ability makes him a strong wall early game. His 3500BP will make him difficult to attack in late game, that is why I put in Tsumiki and 2-1 Inumaki. But my main purpose of Gojo is the Color trigger, allowing me a free rested opponent card during my next turn.

Obiviously, 4 copies. Her 【登場時】ability is important for clearing the path to the opponent’s life area, and is more effective when the Raid trigger is activated. Since she can activate her 【ダメージ(2)】even when not raided, I may play her without raiding if I am desperate. She is still a 4000BP blocker.

Special trigger must always have 4 copies. Since this is a Kugisaki deck, I will only use her Special trigger card (sorry Gojo). While it is 0AP when I have Kugisaki on the field, the downside is that I need to rest 1 of my own Front Line characters. This means 1 less attacker. To maximize its ability, I should try to target a raid source with this card, before raiding it. But sometimes it is not the case.

I wish I can confidently say to put 4 copies since it is a Kugisaki card, but I cannot. This card has no trigger, and needs me to rest an opponent’s card first before I can play this. Without rest, this card is useless in hand.

I eventually realize that putting 4 copies of ファイナル trigger cards is not a must, and to get the ファイナル trigger in my final life is such a low probability. I used to put 2~3 copies, sometimes even 0. But for this deck, I feel that it is good to have the extra AP, maybe for the extra draw at the start of the turn, or to activate the abilities of 4-1 Kugisaki or 2-1 Inumaki.

Strengths and Weaknesses

· I get to use all Kugisaki cards!
· Combine resting opponent cards and 【ダメージ(2)】to make opponent force block.
· The highest required energy is 4, which is easy to generate in the early game.
· Not enough high BP attackers. Only 4-1 Kugisaki has 4000BP.
· No removal ability cards, which becomes an issue if the game takes too long.
· If opponent activates many removal abilities at once, it is quite difficult to fight back.
· Lacking in draw power. I need to rely on Draw trigger or AP draw to get more cards in hand.
· Not easy to set up the combo for force blocking.
· Weak against swarm decks that can easily fill up the Front Line again even if I make them force block.


Since the deck has 8 【2回ブロック】characters, having more Active trigger will increase the chances of them blocking the opponent’s 4000BP and above characters in the mid-game and late-game. Also, Maki is Kugisaki’s senpai, so it is thematic!

Kugisaki’s senpai! Useful card for generating energy fast, but it has no trigger. And since the deck recipe has a maximum of 4 required energy, the cards in the deck should be enough.

Another card useful to speed up generating energy. Again, no trigger so it is a bummer. The 【登場時】 ability can be useful to return Tsumiki to hand to use again.

If sticking to Kugisaki theme is not that important, this will be a better Special trigger card to use in the deck. However, there are only 4 Gojo cards in this deck recipe, so you may need to swap the 3-1 Kugisaki to other Gojo cards (like the 3-1 Gojo). This card will bring in removal ability to the deck that it is lacking.


Custom sleeves, custom AP cards, custom playmat 😊

As you can tell from the deck recipe, this is not a top tier deck (or maybe it is but I am just a lousy player). With enough skills and knowledge, plus some luck, this deck can take down strong decks. At the end of the day, this deck is mainly a fun deck for me to dedicate to Kugisaki. Hopefully my skills will improve as I play more, and I can use this deck to face off stronger decks!

Thank you for patiently reading through my passion project, and I will be happy to hear your tips and suggestions on how to make Kugisaki deck stronger! You can find me on Twitter sharing my many themed decks (mainly for Jujutsu Kaisen).
