
ABOUT IT - re-published version -.

■■In preparing the re-published version.■■


What a sense of time it has been for eight years: it has been a long time since the uproar started, bringing chaos to the social networking sites. We have tried to contain it, but it has not borne fruit and we are very sorry to carry the confusion with us. And perhaps the scope of the firestorm is what is unique about this disturbance - I see that it has expanded considerably over the past eight years.
With the prolongation and expansion of the scale, I am reposting it here again, as I am sure that more and more of your readers are not familiar with the earlier parts of the story. I have had my share of blunders and follies. I am happy if I can help you to understand a little bit more in looking at this fiasco.

We will now go back to the past, but before we do that, what is the current situation with the disturbances? We have been victims of mass stalking, which many of you may be aware of. Let me give you a real-life example from an exchange some time ago.

My tweet.

(Today, I am going to write in response to a message on a social networking site. I have been ruminating that I should not write about it considering what may happen later, but I have decided that it would be "not normal" not to respond to it.)
(Continued "However, several years ago, we often recorded and uploaded messages while the context of the message was clear, so this is the first time in a long time that we are doing something similar.")

(The following tweet presents only the text.
I will note that in the ABOUT IT section and am in the process of considering, with your wisdom, how I should summarize the circumstances and mismanagement that have occurred since the statement was made."
While I am at fault, the fact that several people have pointed out to me that my human rights have been compromised has given me confidence in my self-awareness that this perception is true from outside the blindfold."
I am in a position where, simply put, I am socially finished. There may be some personal information being disclosed that we can't see that would make us not want to help them, at least not willingly."
Allow me to present my message here.")

↓ Retweet the following

Dr. Tatsuru Uchida's message

(Text in screenshot: "The last daughter of the Trapp family from "The Sound of Music" has died. She was 93 years old, which means she was only 36 when the movie was released. I see one more of your siblings is still alive.")
("I received a sales call from a bank asking if I would like to invest my deposit. I replied, "I don't do asset management. I don't believe in any of this talk about how your money will grow just by playing with your pocketbook.)
(continued) "They must be in a tight spot because they even called me. The person who called me said, 'I know you don't manage your assets, Mr. Uchida. It must be written on the customer card. It must be written on the customer card: 'You think the bank is a chest of drawers, so there's no point in doing business with you.)
("Social relations, public space, scale of impact... I've been researching similar cases in books and online, and I've never personally seen a case where this kind of message is announced.")

(The following is presented in text only)
I also don't have the confidence to tell people about this in the real world and have them believe it is true."
(The following text is presented below.) "It may not make much sense to think about which is worse than the other incidents that are happening on social networking sites. Before that, the text itself may not have much effect on the uproar.
But I wrote this to let you know that there is more going on here than you can imagine.")

In terms of time, it may have been before the information was spread from Japan. In terms of time, I think quite a few people remember it. I have not forgotten how you all encouraged me in the midst of my chest-breaking mental state.

I have organized this disturbance into three periods of time.

・Phase 1: Beginning of the disturbance - until the stalker appears.

From the start of the disturbance until it subsides. This is the longest period of time among the delimitations, approximately four years.

・Phase 2: Appearance of group stalker - Itoi's betrayal

Personal information" began to be disclosed by the group stalkers, which fueled the continuation and expansion of the furor.

・Phase 3: Change in level of group stalking - to present

Mr. Itoi's betrayal triggered a significant increase in the level of stalkers (some technical books categorized hackers as "the level that has no fear of the law," which I believe is the case).

I am writing here a summary of the part that corresponds to the longest "first phase" of the disturbance. In the past, when I republished this, I made corrections. I think I did a bad job of hiding the names of the screenshots I used, and I wrote, "I will revise the text to the point where it makes sense. What I have republished here is the revised version. If the version I uploaded for the first time is publicly available (which I hope is not a crime), I would appreciate it if you could compare it with the version I uploaded for the first time. As I was revising, I couldn't stand the awfulness of the text I wrote in my depressed capacity, so I revised more parts. I am ashamed to say that my writing skills are not great even when I am well. I think the facts are still the same, so I hope you can compare them.

Also, in "ABOUT IT," the person who led the uproar is written under a pseudonym. I have written "Dr.Sato". I have withheld his name from the screenshots. I made this decision after considering various circumstances, such as the fact that the other party was much higher in the power gradient than the author, and that I was still able to maintain my anonymity at this time. Since then, the uproar has grown and changed over time and in response to requests on social networking sites, I would like to use my real name here. The term "Dr. Sato" refers to Dr. Uchida. I added the two names for the sake of clarity, but I hope you can convert them in your brain. Please forgive the use of my actual name.

The text in the screenshot will be transcribed and added to the bottom of the screenshot when we republish it. We will also include the text that we believe is essential to the understanding of the message. In addition, the account name of the screenshot used in the previous re-post has been withheld, making it difficult to understand the relationship between retweets and tweets. We decided it would be better to include explanatory text and arrows as auxiliary lines to help sort this out. The additions to the text will be marked with "*" at the beginning of the sentence.
I hope that it conveys the exchange by even the vaguest hint. Other parts of the text will be published without additions or corrections.

We apologize for the lengthy preface. The text is posted below.



April 13, 2018 23:12

■First things first.

At the risk of being an amateur's imitation, this my article is like a rough outline of a novel. Some unnatural descriptions may appear, but please understand that this is a memorandum for myself in addition to my usual rambling. I am sorry for the length of this article.

I was writing this while thinking about such things as the fact that it is impossible to make an objective judgment about what animal gestures mean. After all, it is not the intent that can be understood, but only the effect caused or the interaction that occurred. I decided to write this sentence as much as possible, focusing on the events and interactions as much as possible.

I have heard the manner of writing expression say that one should not start with an excuse. However, I looked around and thought it was necessary, so I'm going to talk about it. The stumbling block is neither dialogue nor bargaining, but always by the same point: the form of expression.

*Retweeted by Dr. Uchida

(*Sexual harassment is really about "confirming your power by making the other person do something they don't want to do," so "this kind of behavior is painful to the opposite sex" is meaningless. Because it is painful for the receiver, it is enjoyable for the doer. There needs to be a flow of, "You will be socially sanctioned if you do these things.")

(In response to this) *Message from Dr. Uchida

"I think you are right. Since power is confirmed by "doing things that would be punished if others were doing them, but you are not punished," people with power will always do "those things" when they want to confirm their own status (when they feel insecure). And they cannot stop doing it until one day they are finally punished."


This is the message that prompted me to retreat from the last negotiations after being accused at the speed of sound of "lies to deceive people." I leave it to each of you to decide what you want to read into it. We have presented it in an attempt to recreate what was done in the past, but we have also presented it as a sample of possible future failures to gauge the evidential value of the sign. I presented this last time because I thought it was a clear statement. This time I will try to go as far as possible into the intent and heart of the matter.
(This part will be deleted when the booing comes in at the speed of light)

In addition to the fact that intent cannot be proven, it also has the characteristic of expression by context. Weakly persuasive when pulled out of its original place and time. Unlike documents of record, it does not reach objectivity, and we have suffered in the past two negotiations from the inability to produce one piece of evidence and show that this is conclusive evidence. The submission of evidence does not clear up the third party, but rather may increase skepticism. We know that many of the following documents also do not pinpoint whether the exchange really took place according to such faint signatures. Criticism of the inadequacy of the documents is also undeniable.

However, the following text is written with rebuttal in mind. It is designed to be verifiable with witnesses when specific points are made that it is a lie.

■Before the riot

  1. It was while I was rewriting my comments on the movie that I began to see a signature that appeared to be addressed to me from a person named Dr.Sato.

"A story I enjoyed in Csikszentmihai's book. When a soldier who had been a prisoner of war in Vietnam for a long time was released, his co-workers asked him, "What do you want to do?" He said, "Golf. He had just been released from prison and was skinny, so I was worried that he wouldn't be okay, but he played and got a great score."


"While he was imprisoned, he had a daily routine of selecting clubs in his head, devising shots, and going around 18 holes every day."


You have seen our original feedback comments and take the sign directed at you as a message of encouragement. I am afraid to do so, but I return the acknowledgment and, likening it to the position of the teacher as a traveler, I ask him to please wait a moment as I am doing a line of silence, and the first exchange is born.


The rewrite is a longer version of the original text with a politicized message added. The genesis. It would later create a prolonged uproar.

×××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××× This film is, first of all, overwhelmingly an action movie to ride. I have written about my personal feelings about the mystery of this film, hoping not to get in the way of the passionate honeymoon road between the audience and the film. The length of the sentence is something already.
The film, which was initially edited for silent format, is somehow full of expressions related to the mouth. Skull marks, oxygen masks, restraint masks, and silver sprays fly about in the setup section, Immortan's Fort. This work may be explained as a motif of the mouth, or speech. The play Wives and Furiosa's escape from Immortan Joe's fort is the story of women's escape from a world dominated by male voices, full of violence and inequality. The women seek to win a world filled with their own words.
The group with Max and the others is like a pseudo-family, with Max and Furiosa as parents and the others as children. Here we see a twist.
Furiosa's hair is cropped and her face is painted black, counteracting her feminine physical features. She is a soldier defending her family and fighting for a new order. In contrast, Max is trapped by his feelings for his deceased child and shows unstable emotionality, trying to bypass the decisive moment of violence. As symbolized by the "blood bag," he takes on the role of support, sharing nourishment from his own body.
The symbols are turned upside down by the male and female. The sign is inscribed that Furiosa is the "father" and Max is the "mother. The symbolic meaning of Furiosa's arms and Max's restraint mask also corresponds to the sign, and together with Immortan's oxygen mask, the three can be read to imply a relationship between the three.
That egregious brother is back as a wanker. Max himself is unable to admit it, it seems, not knowing ...... what to do. He is frightened of his own femininity, accepts it, and in the end regains the identity of his name - it is rather universal for a man to recognize a feminine character in himself.
The discussion has become violent, but I will continue. If we follow the form characteristic of American cinema, the two levels of representation, we can say that in addition to the usual version of the theme of women's liberation, a rayed, radical version is also written in this film, and a more radical deconstruction of sexual consciousness can be read.
When illuminated from this angle, a new development in the theme emerges. The counter to the dominant voice is not only the voice of women, but also the voices of people in all their diversity of seven colors.
Another political correctness that runs parallel to women's liberation is noted in another manifestation of the mouth, the silver-spraying warboys. The director has stated that the film is modeled on Japan's World War II suicide pilots. Although this film is a work of fiction, I would like to point out the link with what we are viewing in Japan today.
War is the highest religious event for the evolution of the human spirit.
These were the words of a politician who was considered a candidate for the next prime minister of the current administration the same year this film was released. As many have pointed out,
I believe that this year will be a decisive year that will be repeatedly questioned by history.
The last unsolvable riddle, the hook for returning to Immortan's stronghold without plot foreshadowing, is a call (and an urgent one) from the inextricable relationship between reality and cinema, a blessing beyond reason for those who are still fighting against the loudest voices somewhere in the world. This is what I mean.

...I guess he just took off like this, didn't he? And I can't continue to do so without being cool about it. I wrote this in a community that posts comments on movies, and then I got a very bad review, a very intense bad review. I can't help it. It's "inflammatory," "apocalyptic," "populist," "over the top," "ideological bias," "forced interpretation," "intrusive," "crisis-mongering." ...... I hoped to contribute something in my own way and did not intend any confusion, but the result is to cause an uproar. The uproar stemmed from this rewrite gone bad.

(2) Then, a few days after posting the impression comments, I read what I thought was addressed to me in the teacher's message, and from that day on, a situation not significantly different from the present one is created. There are differences in frequency and degree, and there will be small breaks in between, but basically, the days when I can peek at the signs that are directed at me will become the norm. I will respond to them with a big roughness, and the situation will repeat itself.

■ Dealing with the disturbance

I remember that we apologized for the situation that occurred in the form of a preface and an afterword to the commentary, the first time when the evaluation was not finalized, and the second time after that, we apologized upfront for the situation twice. The third time was in the afterword.

I'd like to introduce with awe and gratitude the responsive relationships I've seen with people from ____________ and ____________ regarding this piece of work review."


The three texts were rebuttals to the rewrite, and were about things that were missing or excessive in my text. I did so because it was a plausible critique and it seemed to me that the ideal way to handle it would be to read it in conjunction with my comments on my impressions.

Finally, I wrote a new comment on the film, in which I expressed my apologies.

×××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××× ●"Manhattan Murder Mystery"
I wanted to watch a movie with nothing but idiots in it, but the gradient of "enough is enough" led me to watch something romantic. I have been a fan of Woody Allen ever since he played the role of a young boy who was taken by the line, "When you hear a teacher talking about something you don't like, cover your ears and say 'ahhhh'".
The theme of the film is "the malaise of married couples. If the foreshadowing of the femme fatale story had worked well, I would have dreamed that a line such as "Even in a period of weariness, full understanding of one's partner is only an illusion and naivete, and the heart remains a mystery" would have surfaced.
"After being scooped about a man-woman relationship with his adopted daughter, his live-in partner Mia Farrow refused to appear in the film, and his ex-girlfriend Diane Keaton appeared in her place. The film was released in the middle of a custody battle. It seems that the film was made in the midst of the Allen scandal. What was the scene like? How did Allen feel about forming a relationship with his adopted daughter and filming "Marital Malaise, Stimulation"? What was in Keaton's mind as he watched his ex-lover?
It must have been a low period of rags to riches, but looking at overseas websites now, it is scoring high, and he himself seems to have listed it as one of his best movies. I thought of the adage that a bad man looks sexier when he is depressed, but no. He is a scruffy old man with scruffy hair and scruffy skin. I am glad to see that old man flitting in and out of the city.
I never imagined at the time that he would move on to the under-the-radar stuff as if he were blowing off a scandal, and that he would become a camera-shy man. Then, after several "climaxes," he left even his home in New York, to which he had been so attached, and is still flitting around the world. It is still amazing. I really don't know about people or the future. I haven't solved the mystery of the dead body in the hotel scene, but I guess I just don't understand it because part 2 isn't out yet.

Dr. Sato's signature, which I believe is addressed to me, still does not stop, so I am taking down everything I wrote after a month has passed.

The next day, Dr. Sato says

"I woke up with a nightmare. I dreamed that he yelled at me, "Don't listen to Sato," and when I asked him to please say those things at his post, he ignored me, and I lost my temper and did something terrible and stared at my hands."


"I wonder if the violent nature that is usually repressed is released in dreams."


I found the corresponding passage in a new comment I wrote. I've been a fan of Woody Allen ever since he told his young son to cover his ears and say "ahhh" when he heard a teacher he didn't like. Of course, I had no other intention, but I thought that was the reason for your anger, so I deleted that part and posted the withdrawn sentence again.

However, the signs that seem to be addressed to me do not stop. I leave, thinking that there is nothing more I can do, and that all I have to do is wait for the situation to subside. This is the entire exchange in the film community, which lasted about a month and a half.

■Absence for about 5 months

During his absence, Dr. Sato continues to send messages that seem to be addressed to me. As for the contents of his signature, some of them are recognized by more than a few people as "idiot," "murderer," "psychotic," "plagiarism," "hunting," "depression," "confinement," "monster," "monster," and "monster. "hunted," "depressed," "imprisoned," "monster." "A call for exclusion." ...... As for criticism, we felt that since we were the ones who wrote the text that caused the uproar, we deserved to receive what we got back. I recognize that I am not the only one who can get away with ridicule and mockery, as it is a common expression in accordance with the speech format of that community. However, I did not understand the teacher's signature that was submitted daily, even after repeated apologies and deletions. You may think that I should not play the victim after causing a commotion, but the above exchange and other exchanges between the parties with Dr. Sato were perplexing. I was perplexed by the relationship between the teacher's discussion of tolerance, curses, bullying, democracy, copy right, etc., and his signature addressed to me.

*Retweet of Dr. Uchida

("So the other 'Japanese Schindler' gets less mention in Japan.")
*As for this tweet, I put the meaning in the picture, not the words.
(*"I'm absolutely overflowing with enthusiasm to kill the workers")

("I wanted to save him the most this century...")

(*"Trash cans that never come off")

(※「The Mental Hospital That Inspired Arkham Asylum Is Somehow Even More Terrifying 」)

*Uchida's writing

(*"You are a 'A demonic woman.'"  
Note, my original account was under a female name.
A demonic woman is a attractive woman who makes men fall in love with her and drive them crazy. She captures men's hearts and dazzles them with her overall strength as a woman, rather than just her charms in appearance. A demonic woman is sometimes referred to by the French term "femme fatale.")

*I wrote about "plagiarism" in a separate section. A link is provided at the end of this document.

■Attack from Anonymous

More than six months after the start of the fuss, and about five months after I took down the text, I appear anonymously as the above situation continues. I will unleash it in response to Dr. Sato's cutting remarks on the bullying issue. My recollection.

"I remember my homeroom teacher waving a little flag about bullies. I think you're the bully."


I used a move that was not well-liked. I had been in that community before for about 4 months and this was my second time there, but this was the first time this kind of behavior had happened. Repeated outward apologies did not stop it, and I was appealing from a state of limbo, but ...... worst hand, a definite no-no at this point, but I would still show up anonymously later on.

■Three apologies + one request

● Receive a signed apology request from Dr. Sato for the attack from Anonymous, entrusted to my number.

"The worst flaw in our society is that we do not admit fault. If you admit fault, you are on your own and can correct it immediately. If you don't admit fault, no one is held accountable, but the cost can only be paid as a failure of the entire system, i.e., as pain for others."


"I believe we need to reestablish a culture where if you say, 'I made a mistake,' people respond with a smile and say, 'That's okay, if you understand.' Because innovation can only be created in a culture that is tolerant of negligence. A society created by intolerance of human failure is depressing and sterile rather than rigorous and cool."


●I see this as an opportunity to solve the problem and apologize.

I fully apologize for my anonymous outburst and for causing a ruckus. I also express my gratitude to the three people who were involved in the disturbance, including Dr. Sato, by specifically raising their works and telling them that I am a fan of theirs. In fact, I had been looking at the work of all three with great respect. I mentioned their authorship and told them that I "owe them a great debt of gratitude. It was meant to be a polite bowed apology, but it was later called a "flirtation.
(There is no "I" material since then. I saved the movie comments, but did not keep the community statements, even now at ....... I fully understand the unfair slander, but there is none. I write from memory as best I can.)

The next day, I put it on hold.
The next day, Dr. Sato signs the film as "rejected.

※Retweeted by Dr. Uchida

("Darth Vader's toothpick dispenser, they won't even give me one right.")

● In response to this, I have requested direct communication by letter, which I had been hesitant to do due to our differences in position and lack of acquaintance. Considering the length of time, more than six months, and the repetitive correspondence, I thought the best solution would be to discuss the matter directly if there were any personal rancor. I told him that I would be in touch with him later in the evening. (People around me started calling me "late" from that day on.)

The next night, the line that had been closed was opened, as if they had given their permission. When I hurriedly finished writing the letter, the line was closed. (This is a reaction that does not appear in the document.) I see the signature of the teacher.

"Recently I've been getting a lot of questions that go into personal topics like 'family stories' or 'marriage stories' or 'divorce stories'. I don't want to be too intrusive because I have a partner, but what surprised me today was that someone who was in the apartment next door about 25 years ago had written about us on a blog."


"Mr. Sato wore an apron and did his errands so diligently that his neighbors gossiped about him as a 'good husband. You never know who or what is watching. I'm glad he was so amiable to his neighbors~."


● The next day, I write an apology. It was irreverent, but I wrote in the style of an apology, apologizing for my own denial, but at the same time saying that the length of the fuss was a different issue and that I had continued to apologize since the beginning of the fuss. I remember that I strongly expressed my wish that the situation would be resolved. As a result, I received criticism from both the teacher and others. The term "flip-flop" later spread.

● I was asked to apologize again, and I wrote a long apology that seemed to summarize what had happened. Considering the difference in social standing, it was a cheeky thing to do, but I think it was more of an apology in form, but rather than a reconciliation, it was more of a "let's work on each other's business" kind of thing. In addition to the honest apology, I think I wrote about the origins of my "narcissistic" comment (which was a response to my criticism of "not loving myself" at the time). I remember stating that I was aiming for a "counter-culture" in my own way, that I had a taste for "bad taste" and that I had "crossed the line" in my expression of it.

Dr. Tatsuru Uchida's signature the next day.

(*"I've already given dinner to the three cats, so don't be fooled.")

This is where you will exit, but it is an 8-day exchange.

■ Apology after 3 months

●The next time I appeared in the community was about three months later.
There was a day when someone tried to stop Dr. Sato from continuing to lead, and his restraint became more severe. Here is Dr. Sato signing off the next morning.

"Good morning. I'm a little deflated after the first night. It's the biggest event of the year. I'm off to Tokyo today for a conversation with Mr. A about translating the classics into modern Japanese, and then I'm running to Mr. B's year-end party.”


I was curious about the way it was written, so I looked at Dr. C's and found the following sentence regarding Bob Dylan's Nobel Prize win.

("Great speech, indeed.") ーX(twitter)

Thinking it was the best time to put the matter behind us, we immediately wrote an apology and posted it in the community. The letter was a straightforward apology, accepting responsibility for causing the disturbance and adding the cause of the problem and my thoughts on the future. Naturally, the teacher said to me that day, "Yeah, right? Yeah, yeah! ......I'ts good, It's OK, That's OK. But for some reason, the next day, it is overturned. The meeting is over. Wait for me, Yo Oizumi! and the rowdy towing was resumed. A few days later, another sign is issued, "Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, I'll take all the blame...awwwww." The context is shared that the apology was my stand-up attempt to stop a fight between the two teachers, and the case is over.

Later that day, I received a "pass" sign from the teacher.

Retweeted by Dr. Uchida

(*Various conjugated forms of "ee" (dialect of "good"))

However, it was overturned the next day and the command began.

*Retweeted by Dr. Uchida

("The meeting is over. "Wait and See!")

Later on (material link broken. From the summary image)

*Retweeted by Dr. Uchida

(*"Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, I'll take all the blame, wwwwwww. Note, "w" = laugh =lol)

● Two days after the start of conducting "Wait and See!". Signed by the teacher.

"I shop for holiday gifts and then buy sweaters and shirts in bulk at Ralph Lauren for New Year's Eve. I only buy clothes twice a year, on Bon holidays. I used to buy suits and coats and ties, but I don't need any of those things anymore because I don't 'go to work' anymore."


"I looked at my email before I went out and saw that I had 4 more jobs. In just 15 minutes... I can't reduce my workload at all if I don't get rid of the "I want people to think I'm a nice person" disease. But I do it because I know I'm not a good person. If I were a good person from the beginning, I wouldn't be like this."


The material from this point forward is missing and I could not find it when I looked for it. So, I will only write about the phenomenon that it caused: information was spread in the community that there was a "welfare" person among my friends. Of course, I have never met him. I am not wealthy, but that is a falsehood.

Two days later, after receiving criticism from many people for "depriving people of their human rights," Dr. Sato said, "I was told that there is no such thing as a welfare recipient.

"It seems that there was an expectation in the Prime Minister's Office that Putin would come to grips with the territorial issue, but on what grounds was this based? In negotiations, it is 100% forbidden to "substitute an objective judgment of the situation for a subjective wish. You can't stop thinking about it in your head, but you don't say it out loud, usually."


I will leave after a while.

From then on, the teacher will submit symbols for "welfare," "homeless," "unemployed," "poverty," etc. symbols that indicate "welfare," "homeless," "unemployed," "poverty," etc. To those who do not share the context, this is a social welfare message. Later, the teacher's comments are associated throughout the community with images such as "creepy old man with no money.

*Retweeted by Dr. Uchida

The retweet quoted in the retweet
"Exclusionary art (refers to urban design that prevents public spaces such as streets, stations, and parks from being used for purposes other than what they were intended for)". "The way these governments do it is to avoid the appearance of malicious intent, and the "art" is to keep the public from realizing that it's exclusionary art."

*Retweeted by Dr. Uchida

(" I like this park so much, I'm not going home.")

*Retweeted by Dr. Uchida

(*"Asking a homeless man what he wanted for Christmas and surprising him with a surprise ended in a touching way...")

*Retweeted by Dr. Uchida

(*Retweet within retweet quote "No moving in for welfare purposes, households receiving benefits re-examined")
↑up Retweet
"So the Osaka City Council fact-checked the Osaka Mayor of Ishin, who has been bashing welfare recipients based on baseless speculation."
Note, this was before the stalker appeared and revealed my "welfare" status due to unauthorized access by public agencies)

*Retweeted by Dr. Uchida

(*"I feel like I don't have a job.")

■Attacks from Anonymous again

More than a year after the uproar, and three months after I left, the incitement escalated. Many people were sympathetic to the agitation, while others criticized it as "sacrifice," "baseless fervor," and "a riot without substance. It was a time when others questioned the reasons for the fervor. Others questioned the reasons for the fervor.

Dr. Sato.

"It has become easier to hide behind anonymity and hurt people. I know quite a few examples of how vile and destructive people can become when they know they "can't be punished." I think it is indeed one of the sins of this community that we have opened up that 'dark side'."


I would repeat the same pattern as last time, appearing anonymously and criticizing him, saying that it was not me. I did not unleash it in response to the teacher's statement, nor did I directly accompany it with the teacher's name,

"That's easy for you to say." I began, "that's not a true explanation, people only see what they want to see, isn't that the traditional lynching of the left, sing to a mutually consenting body, and sink back into your dependence on the impulse to violence. "


I unleashed the following with the highest degree of foul-mouthedness I could muster. This was the most emotional period since the fiasco. I remember it well. I said what I said because I wanted to make him feel clearly uncomfortable. It had been more than a year since the outbreak, and the teacher's incitement had become even more intense. I was in a situation where I could say that a person of incomparably greater stature than myself was spreading messages of "hunting" and "exclusion" through various circuits on a daily basis, and I was in a situation where I was in the midst of a childish and dirty rant that would make me look like an acceptable persona. I was able to deliver a childish and filthy diatribe that confirmed the image of a man who deserves it. I heard some people say, "I can't help it, I'm so frustrated, lol," and they were right.

■For about 7 months

● Thereafter, you will disappear from this community until you are called by Dr. Sato.
The situation repeats itself, where the teacher is stopped by others in response to the heightened sign of the teacher. The following cycle will be looped multiple times, in which the teacher responds to the situation.

 The frequency of Dr.Uchida 's Signs addressed to me intensifies.
 →The other person admonishes Dr.Uchida for it.
 →Dr.Uchida 's Signs of "attack from me"
 →Dr.Uchida 's Signs of "reconciliation with me"

I was not in this community, so "attacks from me" and "reconciliation with me" are lies by Dr.Uchida . I am sure that he did not expose me as he did before. Except for one time, and I think that one time was about me.

Signs of "attack from me
Retweeted by Dr. Uchida

(*"Strong (confidence)")
(※Video of being attacked by a cat.)
(※Nyanda?" (Author's translation: "What?"))
(※Here is a video of another cat's hand reaching out from under the bed)

(※”Do it again!")
(※VIDEO. A cat repeatedly comes to be swept while you are mopping!)

Sign "Reconciliation with me”


(※「unmotivated hand☆」)

● This may be a touchy subject, but I think this point should also be clarified. It is also the part where a lot of material is lost.

It has been about 4 months since my disappearance and approximately 1 year and 4 months since the commotion started.
Dr. Sato will give his signature.

 "My appearance" → "escape" → "death".

I never appeared in this community. I was never revealed. However, "death" is a lie, but I think "appearance" was referring to me. I did show up in other communities during this period.

The next day, the teacher issued "identification instructions" (the documents were lost). People around me call it a "state crime" and "illigal means".

Sign of "my appearance”

(※「【There's another one.】」)

→"Runaway" sign

(※"on the run" "on the run" "on the run" "on the run")

→"Death" sign. (Erase the material, dig for the same photo)


A few days later, an "apology demand" is signed.

"Good morning. Today we are going to start our morning practice. We will start with how to apply the results of ○○○○ to our daily practice, which XX Sensei has instructed us to make sure we do. Then I'm going to do some shopping for the mid-year gift (I was out of the country, so I'm just now getting around to it...)."

Dr.Uchida's Post

"In that case, the more "excuses we are used to hearing," the angrier I get. If the Abe administration wants to maintain and survive a little longer, it will have to come up with a 'never-before-heard type of excuse,' but there doesn't seem to be enough strategists in the Prime Minister's Office to come up with that."

Dr.Uchida's Post

If you ignore this request, after three days you will receive a "lie" sign.

 (※A very happy announcement to all of you! The "Medetaine" wedding adhesive, which became a big topic of conversation on April Fool's Day, is now available! Medetaine, the wedding glue that was the talk of the town on April Fool's Day!)

I am reporting from my end that, in fact, on the day the "personal identification instructions" were issued, I received an unauthorized notification that my base was "trying to break in from another location". I received a notification that I was "attempting to break in from another location" where I was based.

This is the second time I have received this notice, as I received several similar notices four months ago, the day after I sent an anonymous message to my teacher. I consulted with acquaintances and other places who are familiar with such things, and took various measures, which may sound outlandish, but I was looking at the possibility of surveillance in the worst case scenario.

As a test, and for the first time in my life, I joined an anonymous community. It is a place for exchange where personal information is not supposed to be misappropriated unless requested by public authorities. There, I talked about Dr. Sato. I remember that I borrowed a phrase from his critique of me and said, "I have been repeating myself a lot lately," and I also quoted a couple of other people's comments. In other words, he said things that are absolutely impossible to identify. Shortly thereafter, the above message of "appearance, escape, death" and "instructions to identify the individual" is presented.

I am aware that the act of writing criticism of a teacher in my position in an anonymous community is an ethically reprehensible act. I am disappointed by the barrenness of my writing, even though it was intended as a test. On the other hand, I cannot decide which is more culpable when compared to the act of seeking my identity or finding me in a community where "personal information is not appropriated unless requested by a public agency". It is beyond our understanding because it is in a world that is similar to and different from reality. As for the teacher, the question of possible surveillance and how he was able to identify me remains unanswered.

● Afterwards

 The frequency of signatures addressed to me intensifies.
 →Others admonished me for it.
 →It's a sign of "attack from me.
 →Sign of "reconciliation with me

In this cycle, one person points out that the "attack from me" message is a lie. In response, Dr. Sato acknowledges this, and a response is established (data deleted).
(I later confirmed that it was a lie when he interacted with me afterwards.)

This pointing out of the "lie" again prompts the teacher to ask for a "polite explanation" of the disturbance tow. So, the teacher calls me "one on one".

I am told that this sign of "attack from me" is a lie.

(※「be caught flat-footed」)

Even later, when he interacted with me, he confirmed on his signature that it was a lie.

(※"A drive recorder is a must."
Note, Dr. Uchida's message in response to the image evidence I presented)

■Two exchanges

What happened later is still in the community's archives and may be known to many. After the "one-on-one" call, I went out there and had a dialogue with Dr. Sato, which I was too, too lame to say, but there I confirmed or presented three main points to him, plus a few minor points. It is my understanding that this method was combative and more than that, poor, and for that I was ultimately condemned and retreated.
When it reappeared, it was a battle with the form of expression. I recognize that it was my own stupidity that caused anger and disappointment from many.

■About these days

One of the symbols that seems to be addressed to me is the image of "confinement.

画像 (※「Horrible Accidents On Set:Sometimes,Movie-Making Turns Tragic」 Note, initially my account was under a woman's name.)

(※Michel Foucault, "The Birth of the Jail"
Description "The Birth of the Jail.")
(※”It is a pain in the ass to do all the censorship, so it is better to make people shrink by threatening to pull out the "treasured sword of the family".
This is a panopticon that operates prisons with the intimidation of "I'm always watching you" in a facility that monitors the prisoners from a single view. "A panopticon is a facility where the warden is invisible, but the prisoners are aware of him even when he is not there.)

I am in the process of writing this text in trolley.

Earlier, when the "conspiracy" was forced on the public, the professor used this prison system as a metaphor.
The metaphor is described as a system in which citizens spy on citizens, encouraging the government to regard their neighbors as enemies. He warns that there is a certain number of people who can be infinitely more despicable and violent without the risk of being punished for doing any outrageous thing, creating a divided nation in which citizens are excluded, use violence, and suspect each other, and that we should be more afraid of them.

He also said that he expects the government to come with "one hundred commandments" to punish one person who criticizes the government as a warning to many others, and that the media will foster a sense of absurdity that "even something as small as that can get you in that kind of trouble if the government gets in your face.

They point out that Prime Minister Abe feels the omnipotence of those in power to force such a vote on conspiracy crimes, and that he is aiming to restrict basic human rights and hollow out constitutional democracy.

I am aware of my failure to comment on your comments and my intemperate remarks, and I believe that I have been punished for them. On that basis, I would like to question whether your words and actions are contrary to the sense of "democracy" and violation of "basic human rights" as seen in the metaphor of the prison system. Ostensibly, he protests the destruction of the country's democratic system and expresses his displeasure with Prime Minister Abe's omnipotence, while at the same time, in his signature, he identifies with those in power who seek the abandonment of the democratic system. At least, that is how it appears to me.

As someone who has read your book and continues to be a driving force behind the uproar, I see a similar relationship between considerations such as "exclusion," "theft," "bullying," "tolerance," and "social welfare." I see the same relationship in such considerations as "exclusion," "theft," "tolerance," and "social welfare. It is a composition of doing what should not be done and becoming what should not be become.


As for the subject of the novel's synopsis, my goal was to write the background of the commotion. I think there may be some truth from the character's side, "Sato Sensei."

I said at the beginning that I did not intend any confusion, but it is hard to imagine what a single rewritten text could do to a community. As for the future, we have no idea what will happen and how we can separate responsibility, given the difference between anonymity and anonymity, between duplicity and duplicity, between rumor and falsehood, between game-playing and truthfulness. This is an event in a world where the boundary between legal and illegal is unknown. In the fullness of the unknown, I am certain that the uproar has damaged the order of the community. I can see how the situation has become rougher than before. I am aware that I was the one who started it and made many bad moves. I also remember that the support of a few is not so much for me, but rather for their own people and for the purification of the community in which they are a part of. Of course, I am well aware that there are many who are excluded or actively dislike me for the sake of the place. To all of them, I would still like to apologize. I am truly sorry for any inconvenience I have caused you.

I am sorry for the many times I have been rude to you, Mr. Sato, but considering the difference in our positions in the real world, I have been accused twice, and once more in another community, of being childish and foolish, and of being emotional when I look back on the failure to negotiate. I apologize for my language, including my abusive language. I am very sorry.

On the other hand, the symbols have been sent, and the ruckus is being driven, which has been largely explained, but is still an ongoing story.

Below is the sign that was issued when Dr. Sato's sign to me became so intense that others tried to suppress it.

※Dr. Uchida's description

(※It's 'The Witchy Woman.'" Note, initially my account was under a woman's name
※"You are a 'A demonic woman.'"  Note, my original account was under a female name.A demonic woman is a attractive woman who makes men fall in love with her and drive them crazy. She captures men's hearts and dazzles them with her overall strength as a woman, rather than just her charms in appearance. A demonic woman is sometimes referred to by the French term "femme fatale.")

About a month later, in the course of our negotiations, the doctor gives me a sign that he "won't do it anymore" or "will be reborn. When I said, "I don't trust you because you keep repeating yourself," he would give me another sign (which turned out to be a lie). (which turned out to be a lie after all).


To put it bluntly, it is truly sickening to be in a situation where signatures are being sent out on a daily basis from people we don't know, including the above exchange, to ...... over a period of two years. Although we do our best to avoid writing about criminal acts unilaterally from a victim's point of view and ethics, we believe that this series of acts is clearly in that kind of range.

I must have read a fair amount of books on these issues in the 90s, but the memory that has withstood the waves of too-fast forgetting is that the attachment to the relationship is rooted in a desire for control, and that there is a type of person who is targeted. I see it as a problem that my own poor handling of the situation also helped. But that doesn't stop me from feeling bad. What is this text ...... lol.

What is most staggering is that these exchanges are taking place in the public eye. Except in extreme cases, I believe that in the real world, this kind of behavior is done in secret. In fact, at the beginning of the uproar, when the symbol addressed to me was sent out, a large number of other messages were stacked on top of it. But now, I am again moved by the fact that an undeniably national authority continues to openly transmit these messages, mixed in with moral messages, on a daily basis. Twice in my flesh and blood, I have physically tried to stop the ○○○○○○ act, but I never thought that I would be saying this as a good old man, and I realize how little imagination I have. Please don't.

In addition to this, "idiot," "murderer," "eugenicist," "psychotic," "hunted," "welfare," "depressed," "incarcerated," "monsters. "call for elimination," and the other symbols I have written about continue to be issued.

"'Curse words' are words that symbolize or typify a person, or describe the whole person by cutting out only one aspect."

The teacher's statement. Applying this concept, I believe that a series of actions against me can also be considered a "curse".

"It aims at the destruction of man, and man, having learned to destroy him, cannot escape his omnipotence." and "Freedom of speech does not include the freedom to curse."

It is easy to find discrepancies in anyone's words and deeds. However, the above discrepancies are not a matter of branches and leaves, but essential.

The school of thought in which you specialize is described as advocating an ethic of remaining in charity and justice in order to integrate a history in which people were treated as symbols and persecuted. Is it not against the teachings to continue sending violent symbols, fêting them as sacrifices, and inciting uproar while sometimes linking them to political activities?

I believe that I am both a perpetrator and a victim. And I also believe that it is time to share the desire of those who were involved in the turmoil to see it settled.

"'Responsibility theory' is the biggest theme of my mentor. This means that I have been thinking about 'responsibility' for a quarter of a century."

Like the rewrite, I cannot read how this poor writing will be received in the future, but I wrote it in the hope that it will result in calming the situation, even if I cannot hope that everything will recover.

This is a rough outline for a novel, a memorandum for myself.

