
Space, grids, and layouts #3

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#2の続編です。元記事は→Spacing, grids, and layouts (designsystems.com)
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Composing a layout

Layouts are the culmination of defined spatial rules and the organization of content into one single composition. Bringing together your content into thoughtful structures is the easy part, making it all flow together with a clear hierarchy across a sea of changing platforms and screen sizes is the hard part.


Defining the scaling logic is now a requirement for both native and web apps. From desktop to mobile and everything in between, the screen sizes and scales can vary widely. There are three main concepts for crafting a layout that can scale gracefully. Some designs will call for all three of these concepts at once.


1. Adaptive

An adaptive layout is one that changes entirely based on the format it is presented in. For example, loading different experiences based on desktop, tablet, and mobile devices. This promotes a more tailored experience for the user’s device but can become expensive to rebuild the same functionality into multiple formats.


2. Responsive

A responsive layout is fluid and can adapt to a changing format size. This is a common practice on the web and has become a necessity for native apps as screen size variations have increased. This allows you to build a feature one time and expect it to work across all screen sizes. The downside is that touch and mouse interactions are very different and it’s expensive to account for all devices and use cases.


3. Strict

This layout will not flex with a changing format size. Fixed layouts are often used to promote a specific interaction or informational layout that would be degraded at a smaller size. Data tables and graphs will often create a scrollable strict layout at a specific size because the legibility and interactions would be significantly degraded below a certain size.


How do I implement a spatial system on an existing set of designs?

Starting from scratch is easy. The challenge is retrofitting an existing set of designs. The first step is to bring your other collaborators into the conversation. Convincing team members and stakeholders to change a current product development process can be difficult without laying out the value relative to their role. Engineers want clearer requirements and to spend less time with a fussy designer telling them the padding is off. Product managers want user and business value delivered faster. Designers want their designs to be translated directly into coherent user experiences quickly and efficiently. All of these things can be attained by investing in a shared spatial system.


Start small. Rebuilding everything to fit into a newly defined spatial system can seem daunting. Look for simple components to convert, like buttons, and then spread into their common sibling elements, like form fields. Build up momentum and understanding with your team along the way. Policing the design system is like herding cats. Empower the folks, like engineers, who will be implementing the system to maintain and enforce it.


Make balanced decisions. Prove to stakeholders how this work reduces design/tech debt and improves speed along the way. After completing a section of work, like organizing your icon workflow from design to implementation, take a moment to capture the before and after by interviewing the team. Use those quotes from teammates about the time saved to reinforce the value of your work. Whether you’re working for a scrappy startup or a massive enterprise, the common reason to not invest in design system initiatives is that the business is directly sustained by providing value for users not organizing the perfect spatial system.


Keep up the momentum. Once you begin, have a vision and a date in mind to complete the changes. Getting stuck with half of your work adhering to a spatial system and the other half in limbo is a rough place to be. It makes creating new value for your users more complex. Have a plan with clear milestones, create visibility for the team, and share progress along the way.




  1. デザインシステムがユーザーにあたえるブランド価値

  2. グリッドの種類(クラシカルデザイン領域での代表的な3種類)

  3. レイアウトの種類(WEBに関して3種類)

  4. 組織の中でデザインシステムを改修するために重要なこと

  5. 空間システムの改修はビジネス維持の観点で直接的ではないため難しい

