
Ollie Diary day11

May the 25th

After a huge wash-up of the previous night's dishes, I spend part of the morning in the mountains near the house. Behind a shed, a small path leads to a very small cemetery, perhaps of previous families. I pass the tall headstones with their dried flowers and climb a little higher to reach a plateau from which we can see the house below and the surrounding area, to read for a while, and look at people passing by.

After lunch, we set off to see the ocean near Yonago with Mako, Ryota and Toto-san, about an hour and a half's drive away. On the way, we pass Daisen Mountain, a volcano that is one of the highest peaks in Japan.
Technically, the boys are looking for driftwood to make something like a wooden bench marked by the traces of the sea and salt, but they leave half empty-handed with a few pieces.

But it can always be used to make something beautiful! I look forward to see what they will do with it.

As in my french Vendée, at this time of year the weather is very windy and cold, and the water is still fresh, but the scenery is, as it always is when you're facing the sea, breathtaking and soothing. We didn't stay very long, but it was my first glimpse of the sea in Japan, and it was important to me to see it at least once during my stay. I hope to have the opportunity to see it from another angle as the trip goes on!

We dined at a famous sushi restaurant chain, where the dishes arrived on a conveyor belt, and it was another first-time culinary experience for me: marinated or grilled fish sushi, salmon belly, cockles, tempura, all sorts of different fish...

Before setting off again for a night drive, listening to old Japanese songs as the sun slowly fades, in short, one of my favourite atmospheres: half asleep, half talking, lulled by the movement of the car, singing and laughing with friends at a time when people are asleep, you don't need much more to feel good.
