
-2021-Study Session Blog No.1

study session とは?



1つ目のプログラムは、「洋楽から英語を学ぶ」です。【字幕なし】→【英語字幕あり】→【日本語字幕あり】→【字幕なし】という形で鑑賞し、Listening強化につなげています♪ 今後は歌詞の一部を切り取って用法を学ぶといったことも検討しています。これまでの例としては、Sugarの ”Maroon5” やBTSの "Dynamite" 、Imagine Dragonsの "Believer" を取り上げました。曲はすべてメンバーのリクエストから選出しています。

2つ目のプログラムは、「英語で日常会話を学ぶ」です。英語が苦手でも気軽に参加できるよう、事前にスクリプトが用意されています!第1回目は "スター" と "インタビュアー" という設定で行われました。途中でスクリプトが空欄になっているので、自分で考えて話す実践的な練習もしっかり行うことができます。また、事前にセリフのある箇所もいくつかの表現から話者が選択するようになっており、多様な表現を身につけることもできます。

3つ目のプログラムは、「英語で学ぶ」です。短い動画を繰り返し視聴します。形式は1つ目のプログラムと同じですが、こちらでは少し学術的な動画を扱います。毎回テーマが決められており、”Ted-ed” などからアニメーションのものや親しみやすい内容のものを中心に選んでいます!これまでには "睡眠" や "AI" について取り上げてきました。そして、視聴後は動画の内容について簡単に意見を交わします。英語で知識を身につけることのできる時間になっています。

Study Session Blog No.1 / Writing DAY



Please write about your impressions of Online Social Gathering and circle activities so far, and your aspirations for future activities.

Voice1 This year we welcome lots of freshmen and through these two months' activities, I can see that they are very energetic to do everything even in this pandemic situation. I was impressed by our facilitators who are sophomores. They keep doing activities we have and try to start new things. I look forward to new members' inspiration in our circle.

Voice2 Thanks to my seniors, I was able to interact comfortably with people from overseas, which was a lot of fun. I haven't been able to convey what I'm thinking in English yet, but I hope I can speak more and more. In the future, I hope that the first graders will be able to take the initiative in their activities. however, we have one small problem. This is the low participation rate of first graders. We have to think about how to get the first graders who haven't come to participate. I hope I can talk more with various people both domestically and internationally.

Voice3 In my high school days, I didn't study at all till the entrance exam, so I didn't know what to do. But I noticed that there were many ways to learn English on the internet, like YouTube. I was studying not only for the exam but also for fun. However, there wasn't an opportunity to speak and use English in daily life. But through OSG, I got a chance to speak in English in front of some people. By enjoying the activity of this circle, I want to feel familiar with that language.

Voice4 I remember I was surprised that this kind of event is all hosted by students. Senior students voluntarily plan events and organize members beforehand so that I could enjoy conversation very well.
 I soon realized that there are mainly two gists in this event. Firstly, both Japanese and foreign students want to have an association with people.
Secondly, attendees are seeking for the opportunity to improve their communicating skills in a foreign language. At the same time, I also notice a disparity between Japanese attendees and foreign attendees; a language that used in OSG. Currently, OSG is held in English and I think this is reasonable because English is the language that enables participants to communicate with each other fluently. According to the second gist, however, an opportunity to chat in Japanese is expected to be also in demand. It is natural for Japanese learners to have a chance to practice their Japanese. Still, this is nothing more than my personal opinion so it is necessary to refine thought and implement small inquiry to measure how many foreign students want to have a session in Japanese.
 For my future aspirations, I would like to deepen topics that we discuss in English, not only playing games, also discuss a specific theme. And I think it is also necessary to have OSG that hosed by foreign students and mainly spoken Japanese if they want.

中央大学 準公認部会 iTL国際交流サークル 
問い合わせ: itlglobal.icc@gmail.com
Twitter: @iTLICC            Instagram: itlglobal
