
再翻訳仮説:実用英語演習 レポート

2021-22 実用英語演習(月7)期末テスト

設問 日本語による論述試験です。

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 Since he has been working as an editor for several decades, studied abroad, and lectured on practical English (translation techniques), I frankly got the impression that the content was flexible and had depth, unlike other courses at this university. On the one hand, there are many old-fashioned rare animal characters who are overbearing and say things like, "I am the professor," "Listen to me," "You have no manners," "Act like a college student," and "This is a class on cross-cultural understanding, but you only show limited understanding to the students. On the other hand, I am always impressed and grateful for his stance of expanding students' intellectual curiosity and practical content.

 I learned the basic gestures of translation, sympathized with its difficulties, and especially the concept of "equivalence" was introduced to my brain through this class. As a result, since I work for a foreign-affiliated company, I have a lot of opportunities to use English in my regular work, and I can't help but feel that the added perspective of being aware of what is equivalent has given me a good illusion of being more comfortable with English. If you are fluent in English, and you can communicate your intentions correctly, and you know what the problem is and how to solve it, it is of course very important in your work, but in reality, if you cannot produce the results the company is looking for as a result, then being fluent in English and being able to translate is not equivalent to being able to do your job. "It's not "equivalent".

 At our company, we sometimes have separate online meeting rooms on Teams for English and Japanese speakers, with a Japanese interpreter on the English speaker's side. When I and another English speaker (Mr. A) were in the site office and received instructions from my boss (English speaker: Mr. B) online at the same time, the English speaker (Mr. A) received the instructions directly from my boss (Mr. B) in English, but I received the instructions from my boss (Mr. B) through the interpreter's Japanese. However, I once received instructions from my boss (Mr. B) through the Japanese of an interpreter, and I was very confused because the contents were not "equivalent". The action I took at that time was not to reconfirm it to the interpreter, but to have Mr. A and Mr. B communicate with each other, and unfortunately I chose to rebut the interpreter's Japanese interpretation. From this, it can be seen that translation and interpretation are only a means to an end, and although it is possible that the Japanese translator was right and Mr. A's understanding was wrong in the case just described, what the facts (the instructions) are is a matter of questioning and reconfirming the original text (Mr. B's statement). It's just a matter of solving the problem. However, in the case of English text, the author is no longer with us, and we may not be able to ask him directly, which means that we cannot improve the accuracy of "equivalence. In such cases, I was able to learn of a situation where a method is being researched that uses the concept of the retranslation hypothesis to quantitatively evaluate the certainty of the translation.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
