
How to rephrase 英文書き換えトレーニング Lesson 6 書き換えてみた。



A: Let’s try
(1)   Since I am so rich, I can buy everything.
Being so rich, I can buy everything.
(2)   As I did not know what to do, I requested the hint of that problem from my team leader.
Not knowing what to do, I requested the hint of that problem from my team leader.
(3)   Because it is written in simple Russian, the letter is easy to understand.
Written in simple Russian, the letter is easy to understand.
(4)   Since I am on a diet, I am lose weight.
Being on a diet, I am lose weight.
(5)I was very much put out because I had not been able to get enough salary.
I was very much put out not to have been able to get enough salary.
(6)The teacher explained the meaning of “ing” and “ed” because she did not know the difference each other.
The teacher explained the meaning of “ing” and “ed” because of not knowing the difference each other.
(7)Non-smokers were effected into their body by smokers because smokers smoke in a public.
Non-smokers were effected into their by smokers through smokers smoking in a public.
(8)Young people copied adult attitude they were innocent.
Young people copied adult attitude for innocent.


A: 試してみましょう。
(2) どうしたらいいかわからなかったので、私はチームリーダーにその問題のヒントを求めました。
(3) 簡単なロシア語で書かれているので、その手紙は理解しやすい。
(4) ダイエット中なので、私は体重が減っている。


Lesson 6
A: Let's try.
(1) I am very rich, so I can buy anything.
I am very rich, so I can buy anything I want.
(2) I didn't know what to do, so I asked my team leader for a hint on the problem.
I did not know what to do, so I requested a hint on that problem from my team leader.
(3) The letter is easy to understand because it is written in simple Russian.
The letter is easy to understand because it is written in simple Russian.
(4) I am losing weight because I am on a diet.
Since I am on a diet, I am losing weight.
(5) I was very depressed because I did not get paid enough.
I was very discouraged because I did not get paid enough.
(6) The teacher did not know the difference between ing and ed, so I explained what they meant.
The teacher explained the meaning of "ing" and "ed" because they did not know the difference between each other.
(7) The non-smoker was physically affected by the smoker because the smoker smoked in public.
Non-smokers had their bodies affected by smokers because smokers smoked in public.
(8) Young people imitated adult attitudes and became innocent.
The youth innocently imitated the adult's attitude.

DeepLさんと私は、相性が良さそうです。なんとなく通じています。(5)と(8)でニュアンスにずれがありますが、大筋の伝えたいことは伝わるでしょう。あとは、リアルな実際の場面では、具体例でカバーしよう。ライティングでは正確性が求められることが多いですが・・・・ 随筆なのでご勘弁を。
