
大学英語 第4回 English and Me

第4回 Writing
 これまであなたは最短でも6年以上英語を勉強してきました。そこで、今までの経験を踏まえてあなたの英語観/英語感を教えてください。タイトルは、“English and Me” です。ユニークな英文をワンパラグラフ入力してください。
分量はテキストP12[Sample paragraph]を参考にしましょう。
“English and Me”
My view of English is tool of communication. Because we are Japanese use commonly Japanese language, so the Japanese is communication tool as well. Naturally we can use it and understand easily on daily life. However we work are have a responsibility of works that time the correctness is important to get profits and manage information. Same way, the English is tool for me to get good jogs, good opportunities and collect better salaries.
My experience of English learning is more than around 35 years maybe. Not so dedicated the period is total year from starting study when I was 10 years old. Especially the mandatory education year was around 6 years and the first my University 2 years. After graduated the master course of structural engineering I used to study English by ECC, British Council and the other private schools to pay by myself or company expenses.
Moreover I tried to work at oversea and I joined work at Qatar for 2 years from 2012 till 2014. I was first time to work abroad and using English with co-workers. And next was from 2016 at Poland for ten months using English at workplace. But those experiences were not so much using English at work. Because my boss was Japanese and the organization was Japanese community bases. Now that I finally belonged to Singer pole based company and have been working in Japan since 2021 April with expats those who are speaking English or Spanish and so on. We are lucky period nowadays because AI translation and auto spell correct support make me easy to understand English and write in English. That is way the English for me is just a tool for understanding each other and communicate to get equivalent meanings what we are thinking and want to make presentation our intentions.

