
the American whaling captain, Coffin.

On the arrival of the Plymouth at the Bonins, it was found that the set- tlers on Peel Island, the principal one of the group, had of their own accord organized a municipal government, under the title of '' The Colony of Peel Island." Commander Kelly also, in accordance with the instructions of Commodore Perry, visited the islands hitherto termed " Baily's," took for- mal possession of them in the name of the United States, and gave them their proper name of Coffin, a due record of which was made upon the chart, and upon the spot, by affixing a plate, inscribed with the fact, to a large sycamore tree growing about twenty feet from the beach, near the northwest point of the cove, and burying one also, with some documents placed in a bottle, giving a true history of the discovery of the islands, and assigning the credit to the genuine discoverer, the American whaling captain, Coffin.* * As an interesting specimen of this original effort at constitution-making by wanderers from many lands, civilized and savagCj we subjoin a copy of the /jp




  • ピール島の入植者は自治政府を組織し、「ピール島の植民地」と名付けました。

  • ケリーコマンダーは「ベイリーズ」と呼ばれていた島々をアメリカ合衆国の名前で占拠し、「コフィン諸島」と名付けました。

  • これらの出来事は島々の所有権と歴史に関する記録を残す重要な行動でした。

It would, therefore, appear, that so far as the nationality of the settlers could apply to the question of sovereignty, the Americans were as two to one, compared with the three others, who were subjects of different sovereigns. Since the first occupation of the island, the early settlers have been occasionally joined by white persons landing from whaling ships, some few of whom have remained ; and, at the time of my -sdsit there were, I think, about eight whites in the settlement. These people, after my departure, met together and established a form of municipal government, electing Nathaniel Savory their chief magistrate, and James Maitley and Thomas H. "Webb, councilmen. With respect to any claim of sovereignty that may be founded upon the right of previous discovery, there is abundant evidence to prove that these islands were known to navigators as early as the middle of the sixteenth century, and were visited by the Japanese in 1675, who gave them the name of " Bune Sima."—(See enclosed extracts.) In 1823, three years before the visit of Captain Beechey, in H. M. ship " Blossom," the group was visited by a Captain Coffin, in the American whaling ship " Transit." * Thus it is plainly shown that the government of her Britannic Majesty cannot claim the sovereignty upon the ground of discovery, and it only remains to determine how far this right may be derived from the ceremony performed by Captain Beechey. But these are matters only to be discussed by our respective governments, and I refer to them now merely in explanation of our conversation of yesterday. /jp





  • 入植者の国籍によれば、アメリカ人は他の3人の入植者に比べて優勢でした。

  • これらの島々は16世紀半ばから航海者によって知られ、1675年には日本人によって訪れて「ブネ・シマ」と名付けられました。

  • 先行発見の権利に基づく主権の主張について、イギリス政府が発見に基づいて主権を主張する権利は存在せず、各国政府がこれらの問題を議論する必要があることが示されています。

The religion of Lew Chew is, as we have before stated, the generally prevalent Buddhism of the east, with a mixture of various idolatries peculiar to the island ; there are, however, not many temples in Lew Chew, and those which exist do not attract a very large or a very devoted class of worshippers. As in China and Japan, a general skepticism or religious indif- ference seems to exist, particularly among the Uteraii, or higher classes. The Bonzes, or priests, however, are treated with greater reverence in Lew Chew than in most oriental countries, though they have the same forlorn look, and go about, with their shaven crowns and fusty garments, like similar miserable mendicants in China. Great reverence is paid to the dead in Lew Chew, where they are put in coffins in a sitting posture, and, being followed by the friends and relations and a procession of women in long white veils which cover their heads and faces, are interred in well built stone vaults, or tombs constructed in the sides of the hills. After the body has been interred for a period of seven years and all the flesh is decayed, the bones are removed and deposited in stone vases, which are placed upon shelves within the vaults. The poor people place the remains of their dead in earthen jars, and deposit them in the crevices of the rocks, where they are often to be seen broken and disar- ranged. Periodical visits are paid by the surviving friends and relations to the burial places, where they deposit offerings upon the tombs. On the first interment of the rich dead, roast pigs and other articles of food are offered, and after being allowed to remain for a short time, are distributed among the poor. /jp







  • ルーチューの宗教は仏教と島に特有の崇拝の組み合わせです。

  • 寺院は多くなく、宗教に対する熱心な信者は少ない。

  • ボンゼ(僧侶)は尊敬されており、死者に対する敬意が非常に高い。

  • 死者は座った姿勢で埋葬され、一定の期間後に骨が取り出され、石の壺に納められます。

Great reverence is paid to the dead in Lew Chew, where they are put in coffins in a sitting posture, and, being followed by the friends and relations and a procession of women in long white veils which cover their heads and faces, are interred in well built stone vaults, or tombs constructed in the sides of the hills. /jp




The Japanese authorities readily assented to the request that he should be buried ashore. A place of interment was accordingly selected in the neighborhood of the village of Kaki-zaki, and thenceforward appropriated as the burial place for Americans. On the day of the funeral several Japanese ofi&cials came on board ship, and saying that their laws required it, asked to inspect the body. They, however, politely prefaced their demands with the remark that it was a formality about which the prefect and they themselves could exercise ro discretion, but that they had no doubt it might be dispensed with for the future, on a requisition being made to the commissioners. As the coffin was still unnailed, and there seemed no good reason for refusing to grant the request of the Japanese officials, they were allowed to see the body. The burial then took place, according to the usual Christian cere- monies, in the place on shore which had been appropriated for the purpose. /jp



