

不定期で開催しているセミナー(2023年7月11日 ON & OFF-LINE)のまとめです。

全編視聴(音声のみ 8分)


まとめ音声(AI読み上げ 2分)









"Pride" and "Samsara"

The "pride" that arises from a comparative mind.

The theme of today's discussion is "Pride and Samsara", or the transition from a world of comparison to a world of connection.

Buddha pointed out the negative effects of comparison and encouraged us to escape from that world. This affliction that comes from a comparative mind is known as "pride". Pride, or overestimating oneself, creates a false self-image and makes us feel joy or sadness through comparing ourselves with others. However, Buddha explained that these three perspectives (superiority, equality, and inferiority) that arise from raising or lowering oneself are all forms of "pride" and are results of comparison.

"Samsara", enduring and accepting reality

Next, the world in which we live, "Samsara", is a situation where we have no choice but to compare, a place where we have to face reality and endure. Humans tend to have illusions that connect the natural world with their own benefits, resulting in suffering when things do not go as expected. This is the characteristic of "Samsara", especially evident when parents hold expectations for their children.

However, there is salvation in the world of "Samsara". That is the fact that one can only encounter Buddha in the midst of suffering. Furthermore, the true value of the human world is that those who are not able to control their circumstances help each other to live, and this can be said to be the teaching that Buddha preached.
