
お釈迦様の悟りのエピソード。    An episode of Buddha's enlightenment.


I visited the chief priest of the Soto sect "Bairin-ji" in Toyonaka City, Osaka.
The purpose is to go to see the fusuma painting entitled " Gouma jyodo "-Under the Bodhi Tree" in this temple.
I went to Hankyu Department Store to see a solo exhibition of ink painter Takayuki Shinohara, introduced by Mr. Ito, a Western-style painter who I am familiar with. At that time, I heard about the fusuma paintings of " Bairin-ji " from Mr. Shinohara, and I really wanted to see them, so l contacted Bairin-ji.


This is a slightly bold theme for fusuma paintings, but it was drawn as an opportunity to consider the teachings of Buddha from this painting. This scene of " Gouma jyodo " is one of the important episodes in Buddhist biography, and it is said that it is often expressed in Buddhist sculptures and mural paintings in India.


It is roughly divided into three parts. "Temptation," "Demon army invasion," and "Testimony." It is a scene in which Mara, the demon king of the lust world, uses his ladies to "seduce" the Buddhist priest, who is meditating under the Bodhi tree after six years of penance.
And " Demon army Invasion" is a story that Mara shoots an arrow this time to succumb to violence, but the arrow turns into a lotus flower and could not prevent Buddha's enlightenment.
Next, Mara tries to beat him up with questions and answers. Mara urged, "You have no good deeds in the past that I can testify to," but when Buddha touched the earth, the goddess of the earth appeared and said, "Buddha, you have done countless good deeds in the past. Now is the time to achieve the best and complete wisdom and become a Buddha”. It is an episode that Mara who heard it was upset and dismissed in a hurry.






The story was drawn by Mr. Shinohara in ink.
Just sitting in the back stretches my spine. In the form of Buddha, it may be an easy-to-understand expression of suggestions for us living in the present.

注) 壷坂寺(奈良)には、お釈迦様の誕生から涅槃までの一生を浮き彫りにした10面の石仏がある。お釈迦様の事蹟のなかで重要な意味をもつ石仏である。

Note) At Tsubosaka-dera (Nara), there are 10 stone Buddha statues that highlight the life from the birth of Buddha to Nirvana. It is a stone Buddha that has an important meaning in the story of Buddha. The top photo is the stone Buddha statue on the 6th side, showing the figure of a Buddha who sits under a linden tree and points to the earth with his right hand. In the center, a demon army attacking from the left and right, and three female figures in sensual poses are drawn.


レポート & 写真 / 渡邉雄二 トップ写真 / 降魔成道の画像より転載  Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe
