
マリー・アントワネットから天平時代のハープまでを楽しむ。<夙川ソーシャルカレッジ追想>  Enjoy from Marie Antoinette to the harp of the Tenpyo era.


Previously, l started a cultural activity called "Shukugawa Social College" to promote the environment and charm of Shukugawa (Nishinomiya City, Hyogo Prefecture). Looking back on that one act, I would like to introduce the content of the article again at that time.


Ten years ago, as the first college, the theme was "Let's touch the harp!", A workshop by harp player "Eiko Masui" who has a studio around Shukugawa.


After graduating from the Japanese painting department of Tokyo University of the Arts, the instructor, Ms. Eiko Masui, turned to a harp player. As an Italian government-sponsored student, she graduated from the Harp Department of the Italian National Conservatorio Santa Cecilia in Rome with the highest grades.
After she returned to Japan, she completed the harp department at Tokyo University of the Arts and has been energetically holding her performance activities at home and abroad. Especially those who are familiar with the history of harps, the studio is lined with harps of different ages and types.



In addition to four adults, cute 4-year-old and 2-year-old girls also participated in this workshop. The children are interested in the gentle tones and reverberant sounds, and when the teacher plays the strings with his fingers, her eyes shine.


On the other hand, what caught the eye of adults was the harp, which was built during the Marie Antoinette era made in the 1760s and was actually played at that time. And more than 2000 BC, the prototype of the harp, which is said to have existed during the Mesopotamian civilization, crossed the Chinese Silk Road and entered Japan. There was a lineup of restored "Kugo", which is said to be the prototype of the harp. The one at that time (prototype) is stored in Shosoin, Nara.



The strings of the current harp are gut, but the strings of silk are used for the Kugo. Each has a unique tone. Use different harps depending on the theme and stage you play, such as Grand Harp for Western classical music and Marie Antoinette for expressing Western historical intentions.


l was impressed by the author of a foreigner who is not familiar with the harp. In particular, there is a history of use and so-called things in the age. The story is told through sound.


It was a valuable workshop that I would definitely like to hold a concert to listen to the sounds of modern harps, ancient harps, and 18th century Marie Antoinette harps.


※article from "Shukugawa-social-college" which started from 2011

レポート & 写真/  渡邉雄二 場所 / Studio Regina

Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe 

Place / Studio Regina
