
高野山の老杉、いまは門戸厄神で延命魂として  Koyasan's old cedar, now a life-prolonging soul at the Mondoyakujin


For those who live in the Hanshinkan area of the Kansai region, there is a temple that is so famous that there is an established theory that it is a "Mondoyakujin". It is one of the three Yakujin in Japan, and enshrines the Yakujin Myoo, who dispels all kinds of disasters. The official name is Koyasan Shingon sect and it is called Shotaizan Toko-ji Temple (Nishinomiya City, Hyogo Prefecture).



The roots of huge trees are on display in the precincts. It is called a "life-prolonging mass". The root of an old cedar tree with a height of 60m and an age of 800 years, located on the approach to the temple near Kobo Daishi Mausoleum in the inner part of Mt. Koya. The life-threatening Sugi root was lowered from Koyasan Kongobu-ji Temple to Mondoyakujin Toko-ji Temple.




For a long time, this tree is said to be a sacred tree filled with the prayers of many people and the souls of the gods and Buddha, and is said to be beneficial for prolonging life and healing illness. As you can see, many streamlines of annual rings exist as proof of living for a long time. And even now, the souls of the gods and Buddha continue to live as a sacred tree of salvation.


リポート & 写真 / 渡邉雄二 下段の写真 / 東光寺HPより転載  Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe
