
マグロの解体ショーを楽しむ  Enjoy the tuna dismantling show

I was informed that the tuna dismantling show was at the seafood bar "Uomori Nishinomiya Gardens", so I went out with my granddaughter. Because it was GW, there were quite a lot of people in Gardens, and there were quite a few lines on the 4th floor where restaurants were lined up.

The dismantling show was crowded with many people, including children. The "Southern Bluefin Tuna" landed early in the morning at the Shizuoka Yaizu fishing port is a big fish weighing 65㎏. For the dismantling, chefs from other Uomori stores in Osaka gathered and the dismantling started in front of the customers.
Explanation of dismantling while ringing the bell that is often heard in the fish market. Every time the cook finishes cutting each part, the customers applaud. Children are delighted with the progress of the festival.



After dismantling, the meat that remains around the middle bone, the so-called nakaochi, is served and tasted. Only fresh tuna had fat and it was excellent.After that, I received tuna sashimi that was dismantled at the reserved seat. After all live fish is a good word. 



Some of these photos were taken by my granddaughter (7 years old). I was surprised at how good she was, and I was happy as an old man with a fresh feeling. 

リポート&写真/ 渡邉雄二・志田原かすみ Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe・Kasumi Shidahara
