
薬膳は万人受けする料理ではない。体質や季節に合わせ健康を食でサポートする【伝統料理を楽しむⅥ】  Yakuzen is not a dish that everyone like. Supporting health with food according to constitution and season


It is hard to say in one word about medicinal food. As far as the author knows, and with supplementary information, Yakuzen is a dish that combines ingredients and Chinese medicine (herbal medicine), which was devised based on the theory of Chinese medicine (traditional Chinese medicine). It will be a dietary method that has all the balance of nutrition, effect, color, aroma, taste, shape, etc. Dietary regimen is aimed at prevention and treatment of illness, maintenance of health, improvement of constitution, etc., and is to consider and adjust nutrition according to the constitution and physical condition of the person.


The medicinal food is not based on the idea that "this food is effective", but is made according to the season and the physical condition of the eater. If you combine a medicinal food that has the effect of releasing heat from the body to people who are concerned about poor circulation, it may take away the heat required to keep warm, so it cannot be said that it suits your constitution. Even if the same dish is used, it may or may not fit depending on the constitution, and it is said that it is important to identify this and prepare the dish.


It is also important that you can take in the power of ingredients that match the climate by using seasonal ingredients that match the season. Many of the seasonal ingredients in winter have the effect of warming the body, and in the spring, there are many ingredients with increased immunity and bitterness that protect the body from various stimuli. Cooking according to your constitution and season is also the concept of "medicinal food" that supports your health with food.


Yakuzen is not just a dish that you can eat and enjoy the deliciousness. It is a little different from a diet for energy intake. A medicinal meal is a meal that leads to improvement of a person's constitution, such as coldness and loss of appetite. Even if you don't use crude drugs, you can aim to alleviate the symptoms by using familiar ingredients that suit your constitution.

お料理の専門家であるが、 薬膳には欠かせない生薬の先生でもあり、 中国健康法の専門家である。

If you think about this every time you cook, there is a risk that neither fun nor favorite food will be the same. After all, if it is not something that is easy to make in everyday life, it will not continue. That's why I held a class on medicinal foods that I can make in my daily life. The instructor is Yoshiko Yokota, the director of "Yakuzenkan" in Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture. Of course Mrs. Yokota Although she is a cooking expert, she is also an indispensable herbal medicine teacher for medicinal herbs and an expert in Chinese health law.


                              五行思想 (五行説) の解説


She first started with the story of the five-element theory, she heard the story about the above-mentioned medicinal herbs, reaffirmed the importance of the relationship between nature and food, and began cooking training.


                                        ■芹菜と銀耳のサラダ                              材料は、芹菜・林檎・銀耳(きくらげ)・白ねぎ・塩・酢・サラダ油

The menu is as follows 

 ■ Black meat bun
■ Black rice and jujube porridge
■Seri green onion and silver ear salad





For medicinal food, select the ingredients and cooking method to be used according to your constitution. For example, ginger has an excellent effect of warming the body for people who are concerned about the coldness of their limbs. It is also good to combine lotus root, salmon, radish, etc., which have the effect of warming the gastrointestinal tract. It seems important to first know what kind of food is effective according to your physical condition. I recommend you to study if you have the opportunity.


レポート & 写真 / 渡邉雄二 トップ写真 / 薬膳料理食材画像より転載 Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe 
