
四季を通じ愛宕山に広がる西國寺の一大絵巻 【摩尼山 西國寺&伽藍】  A large picture scroll of Saikoku-ji Temple that spreads over Mt.Atago throughout the four seasons

全国行脚の途中に尾道に立ち寄った行基(仏教僧)が開山した「西國寺」。時は西暦729年。その後に本堂や行基作の本尊薬師如来も焼滅したが、永保元(1081)年、平安朝時代、白河天皇の勅命により再建された。 伽藍の規模が西国一という意味をから西國寺と名付けられたようだ。

"Saigoku-ji" was opened by Gyoki (Buddhist monk) who stopped by Onomichi on the way to the whole country. The time is 729 AD. After that, the main hall and Gyoki's principal image, Yakushi Nyorai, were also burned down, but they were rebuilt in 1081 by the decree of Emperor Shirakawa during the Heian period. It seems that the temple was named Saikoku-ji because it means that the scale of the cathedral is the largest in Saikoku.



After passing through the Niomon gate where the giant sandals introduced earlier and the legendary Kongoin of the karasu tengu are passed, only the sound of the wind blowing from the mountain can be heard.
If you climb the 108 stone steps, you will find a vermilion-painted Kondo (nationally designated important cultural property) built in the architectural style of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, a three-storied pagoda, a Daishido, a Fudodo, and Jibutsudo. It makes you feel the atmosphere of falling into the land of historical romance.








Saikoku-ji Temple, which has a large cathedral on the hillside of Mt. Atago, one of the three mountains of Onomichi, covers an area of 15,700 square meters on a flat ground, and you can enjoy the scenery of the four seasons like a gorgeous picture scroll along with the Onomichi Channel lying below.




The principal image is a sitting statue of Yakushi Ruriko Nyorai, a wooden with a height of 91 cm, which is said to have been built in the latter half of the Heian period. Although it is enshrined in the Kondo Chancel Sumidan, it is a secret Buddha, so worshipers cannot see it directly. All you have to do is put your hands together from the front of the Kondo.


After leaving Saikoku-ji, I headed for "Jodo-ji" while facing the Onomichi Channel below.

リポート&写真/ 渡邉雄二 一部写真・イラスト/ 西國寺HPより転用 Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe
