













私は、財務内容を掘り下げて発見できなかったことについて、格付け機関を非難する必要はないと思います。ご指摘の企業はすべて大手の監査法人と契約しています。バークシャーの監査法人は昨年何時間を監査に費やしたでしょうか? まして、大手銀行ならそれ以上の時間が費やされていることでしょう。それでも数字の正確性を保証できるでしょうか。私は疑問です。




thank you Bill Ackman from New York New York for the handful triple-a rated companies AIG Fannie Mae Freddie Mac and MBIA are under formal investigation for accounting shenanigans and are in the process of restating their financials like Charlie said before I think of a triple-a rated company as an exemplar a company that should behave and with the highest accounting and ethical standards my questions this leads me to are how can investors comfortably invest in any financial service company when even when a decent percentage of the triple-a rated companies have false or misleading financials and I guess the follow-up question is why don't the rating agencies do some independent due diligence from an accounting standpoint so that they can help serve as a watch on this issue well financial companies are more difficult to analyze than than many companies I mean the it is more if you take the insurance business you know the biggest single element that is very difficult to evaluate even if you own the company is the loss and loss adjustment expense reserve and that has a huge impact on reported earnings of any given period and the shorter the period the more the impact can be from just small changes in assumptions you know we carry will say forty five billion of lost reserves but you know if I had to bet my life on whether 45 billion turned out to be a little over a little under I mean it said be it I think a long time and you could just as easily have a figure of forty five and a half billion or forty four and a half billion and if you were concerned about reporting given earnings in a given period that would be an easy game to play in a bank you know what basically is what whether the loans are any good and I've been on the boards of banks and that's you know I've gotten surprises it's tough to tell it's the national companies if you're analyzing something like wd-40 you know our seas candy our brick business whatever they may have good or bad prospects but you're not likely to be fooling yourself much about what's going on currently but with financial institutions it's much tougher then you get ad throwing derivatives on top of it and you know it's it's no one probably knows you know perfectly what some of it or even within a reasonable range the exact condition of some of the biggest you know banks in the world and but that brings you back to the due diligence question of the agencies you had very high grade very smart financially smart people on the boards of both Freddie and Fannie and yet you know one was five billion and one was apparently nine billion those are big numbers and I don't think those people were negligent and it's just it's very very tough to know precisely what's going on in a financial institution Charlie and I were directors of Salomon and Charlie was on the Audit Committee and I forget the size of a few of those things that that you found but you know what that you found but you know what what what wasn't found and that isn't that doesn't mean that people below or crooks or anything like that it just means that it's it's very tough with thousands and thousands and thousands of complicated transactions sometimes involving the computations involving multiple variables it can be it can be very hard to figure out where things stand at any given moment and of course when the numbers get huge on both sides and you get small changes in these huge numbers they have this incredible effect on quarterly or yearly figures because it all comes lumped in those adjustments come lumped in a short period of time so I just think you have to accept the fact that insurance banking finance companies we've seen all kinds of finance company both frauds and and just big big mistakes over time just one after another over the year and it's just a more dangerous field to analyze it doesn't mean you can't make money and we've made a lot of money on it but but it's it's difficult now obviously a Geico where you're ensuring pretty much the same thing auto drivers and you get your statistics are much more valid in something like that then they will be if you're if you're taking something that like asbestosis liability you're subject to far greater errors in estimation doesn't mean that people aren't operating a good faith but you know I would take just take the asbestos estimates of the 20 largest insurance companies I will bet you they're way off but I don't know in which direction and that's that's sort of the nature of financial companies I wouldn't fault the rating agencies in terms of not being able to dig into the the financials and find things that that you know all of the companies that you've talked about have had big-name auditors and our auditors at Berkshire how many hours did they spend last year you know I don't know whether it what it would be probably 6070 thousand hours and I'm sure another you know if you take major banks they're spending more than that but you know can they be certain of the numbers I doubt it Charlie yeah Warren is obviously correct that where you've got complexity which by its very nature provides better opportunities to be mistaken and not have it come to notice or to be fraudulent and have it not be found out you're gonna get more fraud of mistakes than you are if you're selling a business where you shovel sand out of the river and sell it by the truckload and just as a business that sells natural gas is going to have more explosions than a business that sells sand a business like these major financial institutions by its nature is going to have way more problems and that will always be true and it's true when financial institutions are owned by governments in fact some of the worst financial reporting in the world is done by governments and governments institutions like government banks in China etc so if you don't like the lack of perfect accounting and financial institutions you're in the wrong world
