
The movie of the different Tom Sawyer

Hello, and today I am writing about the movie I have liked the most. It's title says "Tom Sawyer" but it's completely not the same as the classic Tom Sawyer;  it is an original (read the "from town" part). A super fantastic story,(party pooper alert) an mixture of games, some unknown organizations, and incredible friendship.(of course, the movie is tweaked a bit...)

The main story in the book is this (Ginormous party pooper alert); one boy who is very normal (according to him),and has amazing survival knowledge (according to others) follows another boy, who is (according to the "normal" boy) the cream of the crop. After following the cream of the crop boy (Sawyer), Naito, the "normal" boy is going to use his awesome survival skills... and he's gonna need it...

So, this is the part where both the movie and the book is the same. after that, the movie kinda skips a bit, and changes a lot. The book narrates their "normal" lives, and spirals out of control, with more and more characters coming to life under the auther's creativity, while the movie is more contained. So, under the circumctences, I think that you should read the book before you watch the movie, or at least check the HP. 

The book's real title is 都会のトム&ソーヤ, and you read it like まちのとむあんどそーや. the URL for the HP is this:https://machitom.jp/. Yes, I know that the URL seems short, but this is the HP for the movie. 

I hope that you have a wonderful time watching and/or reading the book and/or watching the movie. 
