
【DAY3】利他的リーダーシッププログラム 開催レポート | 上智大学

Hello, everyone.
We are the Altruistic Leadership Program office.
This time we introduce Day 3.

 | What is Altruistic Leadership Program?
Altruistic Leadership Program is to learn what we can do to solve social issues in the Zero-waste town, Kamikatsu town, Tokushima Prefecture.
The program is a practical program to learn altruistic thinking through team activities.After finishing all four sessions, applicants can go to fieldwork in the Tokyo area if they wish.

Day 3の今回は、受講生2名による中間発表と講師陣によるフィードバック、山中先生による特別講義をしていただきました!

Day 3, two students gave their mid-term reports, the lecturers gave feedback and Mr Yamanaka gave a special lecture!

How to affect young people to Kamikatsu town?

 The main theme of the interim presentation by the two students was "How to affect young people to Kamikatsu town" and each presented solutions. In their presentations, the two students explained that, despite the fact that Kamikatsu town is rich in nature and has good attractions, it is not widely recognised. In particular, young people do not visit the city as they prefer urban areas. Proposals were made to use social networking and traffic advertising to promote the area, have famous people travel to the area to generate buzz, and work with domestic travel companies to develop tourism routes and offer preferential services. Feedback on the presenters' ideas was given by the lecturers, including that the ideas should be unique to differentiate the city from other cities while the location cannot be changed, and how to make the city eco-friendly amid concerns about damage caused by tourism. The interim presentations provided the presenters with a lot of inspiration to create innovative ideas for the final presentations.



特別講義〜偽善に感謝すべき?〜| Special lecture by Mr.Yamanaka from Ritsumeikan university. -We should be grateful, even though it be hypocritical.-

The mid-term report was followed by a special lecture by Mr.Yamanaka from Ritsumeikan University, who asked participants what changes are needed for Kamikatsu Town to achieve its goals by 2030 in relation to the SDGs. " Should we be grateful for hypocrisy or not?" A deep discussion took place between Yamanaka and two students on this question. As they develop their ideas for the final presentation, they need to think about whether it is really for the benefit of others and what they should do if they think it is not good. Hopefully they can develop their own ideas further.


Thank you for reading.
Based on the feedback from the lecturers and the special lecture by Mr.Yamanaka, they will further refine their ideas and
We will work hard towards the final presentation.
Our next session will be on July 8th! Enjoy!
