







The averaged model for the premating season included elevation, slope, solar radiation, distance to water source, roads and cattle stations (Table 2). Red pandas strongly avoided areas close to roads 《略》 and marginally stayed away from cattle stations 《略》. The intensity of habitat use appeared to be high in low elevation 《略》 in areas with steeper slopes 《略》 and where the solar insolation was high 《略》. (要約:発情前では、道路に近い場所を強く避けていて、牛舎からは弱く避ける。標高の低いところ、急勾配、日射量の多い場所が好まれる)


The selected model for the mating season included sex, NDVI(Normalized Difference Vegetation Index), tree cover, shrub cover, bamboo cover, and distance to cattle stations and human-walking tracks (Table 2). Red pandas showed negative responses to NDVI 《略》 and shrub cover 《略》 while they exhibited affinity for bamboo cover although this was not significant (Supplementary Table S2). They avoided cattle stations《略》but showed affinity to areas close to human-walking tracks 《略》. (要約:発情期では、低木被覆の場所を好まず、竹は好む。人の遊歩道に近づき、牛舎は避ける)


The averaged model for the birthing season included TPI, NDVI, tree cover, bamboo height, and distance to cattle stations and human-walking tracks (Table 2). Red pandas avoided cattle stations 《略》and lived in areas with tall bamboo culms 《略》, however, they appeared to be insensitive to human-walking tracks 《略》. (要約:出産時期では、牛舎を避け、竹林に生息し、人の遊歩道に近づくことを気にしない。)


The averaged model for the cub-rearing season included most of the covariates (Table 2). Collared animals moved to high elevations《略》and were attracted to the mountain ridges 《略》 in this season. Aspect appeared to be influential only for the cub-rearing season.  《略》 They selected areas that had high tree richness 《略》 with tall bamboo 《略》 and high shrub cover 《略》in the understorey. However, they avoided large trees 《略》 and lived farther from roads 《略》and human-walking tracks 《略》. They showed negative, but not significant, responses to the NDVI 《略》. (要約:育児期では、高標高に移動し、山の尾根に集まる。竹林と低木被覆に生息するが、高木、道路、人の遊歩道は避ける傾向にある)


In the birthing season in our study period, the low traffic along the human-walking tracks (0.06 individuals/day during a COVID-19 pandemic) perhaps means red pandas didn’t need to avoid these features (Bista et al. 2021a). (要約:出産シーズンは人が道を歩いておらず、新型流行病発生時は1日あたり0.06人で、レッサーパンダは、避ける必要がなかったと考えられる)
We observed males being less selective in habitat use in this season which suggests that the mating instinct drives males to find receptive females. Similarly, females live alone without any dependents in this season. Therefore both males and females are likely to become less risk averse.(要約:この時期、オスは、交尾可能なメスを探すため、生息地の選択性が低く、メスは、子育てをしていないため、オスもメスもリスク回避の傾向が弱くなることが考えられる。)


Selection of high shrub cover in the cub-rearing season can provide better concealment while feeding on bamboo shoots on the ground (要約:子育て中は低木の被覆率が高い場所にいることで、タケノコを食べながら隠れることができる)


The red panda birthing season overlaps with the onset of the monsoon which stimulates bamboo growth and improves the habitat quality across most of their range. (要約:出産時期は、モンスーンの到来と重なるため、竹の成長が促され、生息域の大部分が改善されます。)

少し論文の文章を補足すると、出産時期は、モンスーンの開始時期と重なり、育児期は、モンスーンの最中と、モンスーンの終了時期に重なります。この説明は当該論文の添付資料”Supplementary Materials”の図S1に記されています。
