



















Since last week, our Hydrangea Wreath Making Workshop has been a hit, with many participants enjoying it. Each person chooses their own hydrangeas, creating unique works with different colors and atmospheres! (We'll showcase some of the creations at the end of this newsletter.)

【Ichirin Floral Note 🌸 The Return of the Sage of Passion: Salvia】

The blue of hydrangeas is beautiful, but the bright blue salvia that appeared in our newsletter at the end of last summer was also stunning.

When I think of salvia, I imagine red and sometimes white, so I was shocked by the deep blue salvia that was like ultramarine.
I remember that salvia sparkling in the sunlight, with its black calyx rising diagonally upwards.
As you might guess from the title of this newsletter, "Salvia: The Return," our new salvia (new to me, at least, haha) is a deep purple!

Isn't it beautiful? If last summer's dazzling ultramarine salvia was a cool, stylish guy, the one I met today is a chic lady with a European vibe, perfect for an old mansion.
The leaves, typical of plants in the mint family, suit the summer mood. As you can see in the photo above, the stem changes color from green to purple as it extends toward the tip.

Then, it hit me.

Oh. It's red shiso (laugh)!

Does the color have something to do with the plant family? The moment I thought it looked like shiso, the chic lady of the old mansion turned into a traditional Japanese girl in a yukata. Haha.

I tried to shake off the image of red shiso used to color pickled plums and red shiso drinks, and faced the purple salvia in front of me once again.

Hmm, if the leaves were purple too, it would be even more like red shiso... Grateful for the green leaves (still can't shake off the shiso image, haha), I took a picture of the cute flower in the soft evening light.

I remember the summer scenery of elementary school, where I would pluck the salvia flowers, put them in my mouth, and suck out the nectar while walking home from radio calisthenics or the school pool. It's a summer memory from the Showa era, where the red salvia (not so stylish) fits well.

However, there are types of red salvia with passionate names that feel timeless. "Bonfire," "Hot Jazz," "Little Tango," and more. As expected from a plant native to South America!

It's a sturdy flower that can be pruned while blooming to extend its flowering period until autumn, undeterred by recent extreme heat. It is said to have over 900 varieties worldwide.
Why not find your favorite and brighten up your summer garden, 尾形?

Salvia has various flower meanings. For this newsletter, I chose "family love." Family shapes vary from person to person. The way of loving, the sense of distance, the way of expressing, and the way of relying on each other are all like salvia, with hundreds of variations, and that's okay.

【Editor's Note】 I went to a blueberry farm and spent the early morning picking blueberries. The organic blueberries were sweet, tangy, and plump, absolutely delicious! I thought I'd freeze what I couldn't eat... but I didn't need the freezer and finished them all in three days. How much did I eat in one day?! Please don't ask (haha).

⭐️ Highlights from the Hydrangea Workshop ⭐️

The hydrangeas used in the workshop are freshly picked and dried immediately. Some hydrangeas are better suited for drying than others, and my eye for choosing the right ones is improving every year. We plan to hold the Hydrangea Workshop annually, so if you missed it this year, we look forward to seeing you next year 🎵.

Thank you for reading.
Hope you have a wonderful day with flowers!



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・Instagram(アレンジメント、リース、スワッグ):ichirin (@hanasakka.ichirin)
・Instagram(いけばな):大澤 尚子 (@ichirin_naoko)
