

English Translation below




アーユルヴェーダは、サンスクリット語のアーユス(Ayus/生命)とヴェーダ(Veda/科学)からなる言葉です。みなさんがよくご存知のヨガとも強く関連していて、ハーブやオイルを用いたマッサージの施術、ヨガ、スパイスを使った食事を中心に、自分の体質に合った方法で病気の予防、治療をしていきます。今回訪れたケララ州はアーユルヴェーダ発祥の地と呼ばれています。そのケララ州のトリヴァンドラムという場所に位置する、Bethsaida Hermitageという施設に今回は7日ほど滞在しました。




例えば、筋肉や脂肪のつきやすさ、肌や髪の質(湿っている、乾燥している等)、睡眠がどれくらい必要か、暑い気候が好きか寒い気候が好きか、食欲が旺盛か、体力があるかどうか、話すときのスピード、気分の上がり下がりが激しいか、物覚えや物忘れの速さ、得意な分野など身体的なものと精神的なものを総合的にみる特徴があります。 この体質の要素が強くなりすぎると体調が乱れるので、ドーシャが乱れないように食事に気を使うことが重要とされています。ネットでもすぐに見つけられると思うので、気になる方は調べてみてください笑


こんな感じで最終的に、体質(その人が持つドーシャ) はドクターが脈をみて診断します。













いかがでしたか?読んでいるだけでもアーユルヴェーダの面白さ、奥深さが伝わりませんか?今回お世話になったBethsaida Hermitageは自分の病気を治すために年に何度も訪れる人が多いようで、(特にヨーロッパからのお客さんが多いようです)今回カザフスタンから来ている家族と仲良くなって、連絡先を交換するほど、そんな素敵な出会いもありました。
興味のある方は行ってみてくださいと普通だったら簡単に言ってしまうところですが、Bethsaida Heritageが大切にする精神性を理解し共有できる人のみにおすすめしたいといえのが私の素直な気持ちです。また別の記事にも書きますが、ここの空間で共有されている精神性は本当に美しく、そのエネルギーの循環に貢献できる人にぜひ足を運んでいただきたいです。


Engish Translation

Hello everyone, it’s been a while! This is MoMo, and I’m excited to share my recent adventure in the serene lands of southern India. From August 2nd to August 10th, I stayed at a resort in Trivandrum, Kerala, where I immersed myself in the ancient Indian healing practice of Ayurveda. Over the next few blog posts, I’ll take you through the highlights of my experience in India, beginning with Ayurveda—a practice that has completely transformed my perspective on health and healing.

What is Ayurveda?

You might have heard of Ayurveda before—perhaps in connection with luxurious spa treatments or massages. However, Ayurveda is far more than just a beauty regimen; it is a holistic system of medicine originating in India, dating back thousands of years. It’s closely related to yoga, which you might be familiar with, and focuses on disease prevention and treatment using methods tailored to each individual's constitution, including massages with herbs and oils, yoga practices, and meals prepared with various spices. Kerala, the state I visited, is known as the birthplace of Ayurveda. I stayed for about seven days at a place called Bethsaida Hermitage, located in Trivandrum, Kerala.  

My mum at the consultation with the doctor

Ayurvedic Diagnosis

My Ayurvedic journey began with a detailed consultation with an Ayurvedic doctor. The morning after my arrival, I was given a 14-page booklet to fill out, covering every aspect of my health. The questionnaire delved deep, asking about everything from my medical history, daily routines, food preferences, and even how my body and emotions shifted before my period. Ayurveda takes a holistic view, considering all aspects of a person's life to determine their unique constitution or dosha.

One unique aspect of Ayurveda is how it categorizes people’s constitutions into three doshas: Vata (air), Pitta (fire), and Kapha (earth). These doshas often manifest in physical and personality traits. There was also a checklist related to this in the booklet. For instance, it included things like how easily one gains muscle or fat, the quality of the skin and hair (whether moist or dry, etc.), how much sleep one needs, preferences for hot or cold climates, appetite, energy levels, speed of speech, mood swings, memory, and strengths in different areas—essentially a comprehensive view of both physical and mental characteristics. When any one dosha becomes too dominant, it can lead to health issues, so it’s important to maintain balance, especially through diet. You can easily find information about this online, so if you’re curious, I encourage you to look it up!
After filling out the booklet, I discussed it with the doctor during my consultation, and based on the results, the doctor checked my blood pressure and pulse. Since I don’t have any significant medical history or ongoing health issues, that was the extent of my consultation, but others with specific concerns underwent additional checks. In the end, the doctor diagnoses your constitution (ordosha) by checking your pulse.

I was diagnosed as predominantly Vata, but the doctor said that all three doshas—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha—are present in my constitution in a balanced way, though Vata is the strongest. I had actually been interested in Ayurveda for some time before coming to India, and after doing some research, I had suspected that I might be Vata, so the diagnosis was a bit of a "I knew it!" moment for me. After the doctor checked my pulse, he said, "You’re Vata," to which I responded, "Wow! How do you tell?" He explained, "I can tell from your pulse, and also from your lively and chatty persoanlity, which has a lot of Vata energy." I found that really funny, but it was also kind of mysterious—everyone who came with me on this trip, about 14 people in total, had their constitutions diagnosed, and the results were spot on, matching their personalities and behaviors. It felt like I could almost guess people’s doshas accurately based on their mannerisms! In fact, when I asked the doctor about his own constitution, he challenged me to guess, and when I said, "Kapha?" I got it right! ahahaha

Embracing the Power of Natural Healing

That said, I know some of you might be thinking, "Is it really possible to treat diseases with natural remedies?" In modern medicine, when you get sick, you’re prescribed synthetic drugs, and if you have cancer, you undergo chemotherapy. If you’re used to that kind of system, it’s easy to view natural treatments as outdated or ineffective. But my time in India opened my eyes to the profound healing that can come from nature. In fact, I now believe that slowly healing the body through natural remedies, as in Ayurveda, represents what true treatment should be. Ideally, modern technology and Ayurveda could coexist and complement each other, forming a holistic approach to health.

At the restaurant, they served dishes for each dosha type!!

The Doctor's Consultation and the story of a woman

On this trip, I traveled with 15 people in total. As the designated interpreter, I had the opportunity to sit in on several consultations. One person I helped was a woman who suffers from a rare mitochondrial disease that causes symptoms like hearing loss, muscle weakness, weight loss, and vision impairment. (I call her S in this blog) In Japan, doctors had told her that there was no cure, and all they could do was manage the symptoms with medication. This led to a vicious cycle of taking drugs that then burdened other organs, so she felt that Japanese medicine could do nothing to help. Despite accepting the gradual progression of the disease, she also shared feelings of sadness and anxiety.

The doctor who took on her case specializes in neurology. Even before our arrival, she had been informed of S's condition and had personally volunteered to handle the case. During the consultation, the doctor asked in great detail about S's condition and symptoms, carefully explaining how each one was interconnected from an Ayurvedic perspective. Even though it wasn’t my own illness, I was thoroughly captivated by the doctor’s explanations. She crafted a treatment plan to yield as much benefit as possible within our short stay, addressing each of S's concerns with compassion and diligence. I was deeply moved by her dedication to provide as much information and help as possible.
S needed animal protein as part of the treatment for the mitochondrial disease, and this initially worried me since the resort’s restaurant primarily served vegetarian food—no meat or fish. Although she had brought some protein from Japan, the doctor reassured us, saying, "We will prepare fish or chicken for you, so there’s no need to worry." True to their word, the restaurant staff made sure to bring fish or chicken dishes at every meal to S's table, despite the usual buffet being vegetarian. I was struck by the pure kindness and hospitality of both the doctor and the staff.
Their kindness was never motivated by money but by a sincere desire to help and care for each individual. I had never experienced such a genuine sense of love and compassion before, and it was an incredibly special experience for me. I’ll write more about the unique energy and spiritual environment at Bethsaida Hermitage in another post, but for now, I just want to say that the love circulating in that space was something truly beautiful.

The Hope that Ayurveda Gave

After our 7-night stay, we had a final consultation with the doctor to assess any changes or new issues that had arisen during the treatment. Since I didn’t have any health problems, my consultation ended quickly, so I accompanied S to her follow-up appointment. Many people shared that they felt their bodies relax and unwind after receiving oil massages, but S, who usually felt a lack of strength in her body due to her illness, mentioned that she experienced a surge of energy from the treatment. For us, it was just a massage, but it was fascinating to see how the oils and herbs, chosen specifically for each individual, could be absorbed by the body and bring about such positive effects.

As with the first day, the doctor checked S's pulse, focusing on its strength and rhythm. On the first day, neither aspect was very pronounced in her pulse, but during this final consultation, the doctor told her that both had improved significantly! The heart palpitations S had been experiencing for about a year had also improved with the treatment, and as of our return to Japan, those symptoms have not resurfaced according to her!
Furthermore, the doctor shared some promising news: the hearing loss, which was related to the mitochondrial disease, could improve by 50–60% with continued Ayurvedic treatment over a longer period. There were even cases where patients who had used hearing aids for years were able to live without them after receiving long-term Ayurvedic care. S had been told in Japan that her condition would never improve, so hearing that there was a possibility for recovery left her momentarily speechless. Although I know her emotions must have been far greater than mine, I was still genuinely overjoyed when I heard the news. Being there as an interpreter, I witnessed a moment that could potentially change her life, and that made me so grateful and happy. If her hearing and other symptoms continue to improve, I believe it could be a significant turning point in her life. All I can do now is pray for the best outcome for her.

How was that? Did you feel the depth and wonder of Ayurveda as you read this? Apparently, many people return to Bethsaida Hermitage multiple times a year to treat their illnesses (especially people from Europe), and during my stay, I even became friends with a family from Kazakhstan!
Normally, I would simply recommend visiting to others when I had a good experience, but this time, I genuinely feel that Bethsaida Hermitage is a place for those who truly appreciate and share the spiritual values upheld by the facility. I hope those who contribute to the beautiful circulation of energy and love in that space will visit. I’ll write more about this in another post. That’s it for now! Please look forward to the next post!🩷
