
連続小説MIA (55) | Chapter Ⅲ



The next morning, after working from 5:00 a.m. until the evening, Shoma counted his daily paycheck. Since he had started working yesterday, his cash reserves had increased to about $130. (It was hard not to be thankful for my labor, considering I only had a little over $20 on me the night I arrived in Bundaberg.) His daily earnings averaged $12 per hour x 8 hours (with occasional overtime) = $96-$108. Since I have to pay $27 for lodging, I usually have about $70 left over every day. Considering what I had done so far, it was not so bad. Even if I return to Sydney, I will need about $200/week for rent (shared room), and I may not be able to find a job right away. So I want to save as much as I can now. Since eating at Hungry Tum is always expensive, I went to a nearby supermarket for the first time to buy food. I am not a bad cook, having lived alone in Japan. However, the ingredients I use when I live alone tend to be the same as the ones I use when I live alone. Tofu, miso, mentsuyu, eggs, rice.... In Japan, I usually ate those kinds of foods. But this is a foreign country, and Japanese foodstuffs are not easily available unless you are in an urban area. In Australian supermarkets, I have never seen such a large quantity of T-bone steaks and 3-liter ice cream packs, and I was convinced of the difference in eating habits and physiques. I have a certain criterion for choosing food at the supermarket. It was whether or not I could eat it. Backpackers usually share a common kitchen and a common refrigerator. I am not good at walking into a group every time I eat. So I chose something compact and manageable at all times. And nutritious. With that in mind, the ingredients were usually in my repertoire. Bread with nuts for sandwiches, processed meat products such as ham, cheese, and vegetables that can be tasty with little effort, such as tomatoes, zucchini, and beet. The menu for the meal was a routine and always the same. That day, Shoma went to the communal kitchen to make a vegetable and ham sandwich. He washed and sliced the beet. He cut the cheese and ham into the right size and put them between the slices. He made several batches at once and ate them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The meals were not colorful, but that was fine. If I get tired of the taste, I can change it up with snacks or juice. I returned to my room with the sandwiches I had made today. This backpacker's room was the busiest around 6:00 p.m., and residents were free to come and go in any of the rooms. Soon was the leader of the room, and everyone turned to him when they wanted to move beds or set rules about where to put their luggage. Sun, who had been in the room the longest, was consulted on a wide variety of matters. (Sun is also the one who taught me how to take care of my work on a daily basis (she also taught me how to adjust the temperature in the shower room). Soon said, "I am not a backpacker owner. He taught me how to get a steady flow of work. Then the farmer will talk to the owner. It's easier to go to a site you're familiar with than to go to a different site every time, isn't it?" He said. Soon's thinking was always smart, and he was smart. He knew how to get around in the world. There was blatant racial discrimination in the assignment of jobs. Because of this, people of color were often forced to work in the hot sun, where their bodies were overworked, and they were used like cattle or horses. Even in the shower room, they had to communicate with the Europeans under silent pressure, and they did what they had to do without missing a single opportunity. Soon's behavior was, in fact, very smart. And Sun is very open-minded. He is so well connected everywhere he goes that you would think he knows everyone in the inn. What Sun does is simple. He always smiles and acts like a gentleman with everyone. He was like Aladdin in the Disney movie, always with a sense of fun and playfulness. Shoma thinks, "I'm not good enough. I'm no good. Although he was often with Soon at the inn and went around as Soon's companion, Shoma could not act like Soon. Like Soon, he would like to be able to greet everyone in a friendly manner, and to be able to open up to anyone. However, he was unable to take the next step. He was not good at talking or playing in a group, so he often ran away to the courtyard by himself. There he spent most of his time keeping a diary in a notebook he had brought with him and writing down whatever came to mind. From the TV room adjacent to the courtyard, he could hear the sound of a movie playing loudly. Shoma thinks. I'm running away again, he thought, inwardly chastising himself, but also somewhat liking the time.

To be continued (*The series will be updated around noon on weekdays)
