Introducing Campus Directors ! ④ @SophiaUni

My name is Ahhyun, and I'm a campus director at Sophia University for the 2021 Hut Prize. I am from South Korea, but I've been living in Japan for about six years. I am currently majoring in Sociology and anthropology, and I love to interact with people from diverse backgrounds!!

① How were you introduced to Hult Prize?

I found out about the Hult Prize through my friend's presentation. As I was deeply interested in it, I joined the Organizing Committee last year and also participated in the 2020 Hult Prize on-campus pitch event!!

② What is your relationship with SDGs?

My ultimate goal is to improve human rights infringement in the global society through my positive action, and I think human rights are the primary root to achieve SDGs.

③ What is your reason for becoming a Campus Director?

Participating in the 2020 Hult Prize business pitch and engaging as an Organizing Committee member allowed me to know how I can have the potential to make a better change. I received so much motivation and courage after being part of the Hult Prize team, and I desired to continue and share this valuable experience with many Sophia Students. Thus, I determined to become campus director for the 2021 Hult Prize, and I am looking forward to exerting the power of youth with many great students in Sophia.

④ What are your goals for your On Campus event?

My goal for the on-campus event is to motivate many Sophian students to challenge themselves and get involved with critical world issues that must be solved. I desire students to interact, learn from each other and gain experience through an on-campus program, and know each one's potentials they possess.

⑤ Do you have a message to potential future Campus Director?

Becoming the Campus Director allows us to learn, expand our perspectives, and, most importantly, recognizing the value of contributing to a better society. This will be an incredible journey, and please enjoy all the contributions you are making for a better future!!
