
スティーブ・ジョブスの思い出−−ピクサー社長エド・キャットムル (Ed Catmull)の新著からのメモ

ピクサー社長兼ディズニー・アニメーション・スタジオ社長のエド・キャットムルの新著の終章は、スティーブ・ジョブスとの思い出のこと。しばらく間があいてしまいましたが、前回前々回と同じように、kindle でハイライトしたところをいくつかピックアップし、簡単な訳をつけてみます。

Creativity, Inc.: Overcoming the Unseen Forces That Stand in the Way of True Inspiration

(日本語版が出ました。「ピクサー流 創造するちから」です。)



part of his bond with our directors stemmed from the fact that he knew how important it was to construct a story that connected with people. (location 4564)


as brilliant as Apple products were, eventually they all ended up in landfills. Pixar movies, on the other hand, would live forever. He believed, as I do, that because they dig for deeper truths, our movies will endure, and he found beauty in that idea. John talks about “the nobility of entertaining people.” Steve understood this mission to his core, particularly toward the end of his life, and—knowing that entertaining wasn’t his primary skill set—he felt lucky to have been involved in it. (location 4607)


there was something special about the time he spent with us—enhanced, counterintuitively, by the fact that Pixar was his sideline. His wife and children, of course, were paramount, and Apple was his first and most heralded professional achievement; Pixar was a place he could relax a little and play. While he never lost his intensity, we watched him develop the ability to listen. More and more, he could express empathy and caring and patience. He became truly wise. The change in him was real, and it was deep. (location 4616)


He believed, as I do, that it is precisely by acting on our intentions and staying true to our values that we change the world. (location 4651)

