
ピクサー社長エド・キャットムル (Ed Catmull)の新著からのメモ

エド・キャットムル (Ed Catmull) は、「トイ・ストーリー」など数々の名作CGアニメ長編映画を生み出しているピクサー・アニメーション・スタジオの創立者にして現社長、かつ、現在はウォルト・ディズニー・アニメーション・スタジオの社長も兼務している方。


Creativity, Inc.: Overcoming the Unseen Forces That Stand in the Way of True Inspiration


(2014年10月2日追記:日本語版が出ました。「ピクサー流 創造するちから」です。)

今も読んでいる最中ですが、kindle でハイライトしたところをいくつかピックアップし、簡単な訳をつけてみます。今回は Part I から。

to share our underlying philosophies with other leaders and, frankly, with anyone who wrestles with the competing—but necessarily complementary—forces of art and commerce. (location 129)


The way I see it, my job as a manager is to create a fertile environment, keep it healthy, and watch for the things that undermine it. (location 138)


The key for me—what has kept me motivated in the nineteen years since Toy Story debuted—has been the realization that identifying these destructive forces isn’t merely a philosophical exercise. It is a crucial, central mission. (location 153)   


visual polish frequently doesn’t matter if you are getting the story right. (location 666) 


I soon discovered that the Japanese had found a way of making production a creative endeavor that engaged its workers—a completely radical and counterintuitive idea at the time. (location 825)   


A few years ago, when Toyota stumbled—initially failing to acknowledge serious problems with their braking systems, which led to a rare public embarrassment—I remember being struck that a company as smart as Toyota could act in a way that ran so counter to one of its deepest cultural values. Whatever these forces are that make people do dumb things, they are powerful, they are often invisible, and they lurk even in the best of environments. (location 862)


Steve had sunk $54 million of his own money into the company—a significant chunk of his net worth, and more money than any venture capital firm would have considered investing, given the sorry state of our balance sheet. (location 879)


Questions like: If we had done some things right to achieve success, how could we ensure that we understood what those things were? Could we replicate them on our next projects? Perhaps as important, was replication of success even the right thing to do? How many serious, potentially disastrous problems were lurking just out of sight and threatening to undo us? What, if anything, could we do to bring them to light? How much of our success was luck? What would happen to our egos if we continued to succeed? Would they grow so large they could hurt us, and if so, what could we do to address that overconfidence? What dynamics would arise now that we were bringing new people into a successful enterprise as opposed to a struggling startup? (location 1069)

